Two new MSPs J2007+2722 and J1952+2630 discovered by E@H

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Topic 198164

Apologies if it´s posted elsewhere - but congratulations again E@H! Details

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Two new MSPs J2007+2722 and J1952+2630 discovered by E@H

Pulsar discoveries are announced on the 'News' board. The two you mention date back to 2010 era. For example, the J1952+2630 pulsar was announced by Bruce in this thread. If you look back through all the News thread titles, you can see lots of announcements for new pulsars of various types over the period.

The page you linked to covers pulsars from Arecibo data acquired by older equipment. There is a separate page which covers the discoveries from the newer Mock Spectrometer data and there are a lot more discoveries there. There are also pages for discoveries in Parkes data and in data from the Fermi mission (gamma ray pulsars). These are all linked to on the home page of the site.

I'm looking forward to the day when the home page will contain links to the discovery of gravity waves using advanced LIGO data :-).


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thanks Gary oops there is

thanks Gary

oops there is always a good rule - never post after midnight....

I had received tweets yesterday from E@H twitter about a new discovery.

There is a separate page which covers the discoveries from the newer Mock Spectrometer data and there are a lot more discoveries there.

I misread the "new" discover pulsar link on that page for the new pulsar J1853+00 mentioned in the tweets

I haven't seen posted any news on J1853+00 or J1851+00 which are shown as recent E@H discoveries here PALFA new pulsars


I'm looking forward to the day when the home page will contain links to the discovery of gravity waves using advanced LIGO data :-).

Indeed - I hope a GPU app will be set up for that soon, there must be many research projects wanting to surf that first wave.

*Edit - changing the Subject to
New MSP J1853+00 discovered by E@H

might be the right thing...

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