Two crunching questions!

Cliff Harding
Cliff Harding
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Topic 196655

I restarted E@home this morning after being away because of Seti being down and noticed that I have only one task per GPU device (1 x GTX460SE v1 1Gb @ approx 83% & 1 x GTX660SC 2Gb @ approx 76%).

I am running on an i7/950 6Gb ram BOINC 7.0.36 & Lunatics v0.40.

1) Is anyone running multiple tasks on a single device and what do I need to do it? I do not see an app_info_xml file as I have for tthe Seti app.

2) I also noticed that for the CUDA tasks that have already been validated there is a vast difference in the claimed and total credits. Is this normal or will this even out over time?

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juan BFP
juan BFP
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Two crunching questions!

For your #1 question look:

Explain what and how to do.

Your #2 question is above my level of knowledge, sorry.



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RE: 2) I also noticed that


2) I also noticed that for the CUDA tasks that have already been validated there is a vast difference in the claimed and total credits. Is this normal or will this even out over time?

Fixed credit for all wu's, always 500 for BRP.

Cliff Harding
Cliff Harding
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Juan - Changed my GPU prefs

Juan - Changed my GPU prefs to 0.5, but won't see an increase in GPU activity until I d/l new CUDA tasks.

Alex -

Fixed credit for all wu's, always 500 for BRP.

Will this change in the future, where the amount of credit is variable as in some of the other projects lite SETI and Milkyway?

I don't buy computers, I build them!

juan BFP
juan BFP
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RE: Juan - Changed my GPU

Juan - Changed my GPU prefs to 0.5, but won't see an increase in GPU activity until I d/l new CUDA tasks.

As you could look in the thread the way BRP factor works is similar but not exactly as works, your 2 WU will start when you receive new WU from the server, or something close to that. Anyway just leave running and soon your 2WU/time will be working.

Just take care, the CPU/GPU usage ratio changes from SETI to E@H, so even if you have an I7 maybe your performance will be better if you free some cores to feed the GPU, is dificult to say without making some test. On mine i left 2 cores of the avaiable 4 (i don´t use HT) to do the job. But i have 590+2x580 on this host. Take some time an do the test.



Cliff Harding
Cliff Harding
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RE: RE: Juan - Changed my

Juan - Changed my GPU prefs to 0.5, but won't see an increase in GPU activity until I d/l new CUDA tasks.

As you could look in the thread the way BRP factor works is similar but not exactly as works, your 2 WU will start when you receive new WU from the server, or something close to that. Anyway just leave running and soon your 2WU/time will be working.

Just take care, the CPU/GPU usage ratio changes from SETI to E@H, so even if you have an I7 maybe your performance will be better if you free some cores to feed the GPU, is dificult to say without making some test. On mine i left 2 cores of the avaiable 4 (i don´t use HT) to do the job. But i have 590+2x580 on this host. Take some time an do the test.

Way ahead of you. I already use 7 cores for SETI & Milkyway, leaving 1 for GPU loading. Btw, I don't expect my GPU temps to get much higher than they already are with 2 tasks running for Seti. I use HT and I don't see that much difference running without, and when I'm crunching TurboBoost kicks in. If I'm running at 100% for any length of time on the GPUs with 2 tasks, I drop it back to 1.

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MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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You also have your host set

You also have your host set up to get Gravitational Wave S6 tasks which use CPU only so they take quite a bit longer than a cuda here.

And the credit for each task is 251.22

I have my hosts running nVidia set to only run BRP's

And a couple hosts that have no cuda card (yet) just running the Grav Wave S6's

Average time for my S6's is 22,317.54 seconds (your i7 is probably faster)

You have quite a few S6 tasks to do at the same time.

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RE: Juan - Changed my GPU


Juan - Changed my GPU prefs to 0.5, but won't see an increase in GPU activity until I d/l new CUDA tasks.

Alex -

Fixed credit for all wu's, always 500 for BRP.

Will this change in the future, where the amount of credit is variable as in some of the other projects lite SETI and Milkyway?

No, unless the project choose to change it for some reason in the future. Einstein doesnt use the CreditNew or any other variable system for credit assignment.
Due to the way in which the apps work the time needed is independent of the analized data so a fixed amount is the easiest way to handle credits.

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RE: Will this change in


Will this change in the future, where the amount of credit is variable as in some of the other projects lite SETI and Milkyway?

I think MW also has a fixed credit for GPU tasks of 213 and 239 (depends on which WU you get)

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