I looked for similar threads but couldn't find any.
Is there a way to get some plots out for your WUs to take a look at? I would be curious if I atleast rediscover a pulsar from time to time. I know from the early days of SETI there was a WU -> Wav converter which made it possible to listen to your WUs. Is there something simliar for E@H? I'm aware that the screensaver offers a power spectrum but I was thinking more of something like the Plots from the Pulsar Discovery Page.
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Taking a peek into your WUs
For GW results the Topcat tool Bikeman wrote about in the screensaver thread might be what you are looking for.
The plots on the BRP (re)discovery pages are combined from all different workunits (DMs) of a "beam". You won't see the pulsar peak in the results of a single task.