I needed to wipe my hard drive this weekend, so I asked both projects I was supporting not to get new tasks. SETI completed fine, but Einstein is moving slower than molasses in January. Yesterday morning, it said it would take 10 more hours of work. I haven't done a thing with it since then and it's still saying 5 hours. Should I wait or just abandon it? I'd hate to abandon it when it's already at 80% complete.
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This is taking forever!
The remaining estimated runtime that BOINC tell's you is the CPU-time required to finish, not the wall-clock time. So if the resource share you configured for E@H is relatively low and there are still other projects crunching, then it will take much longer than 5 hr for E@H to finish it's tasks on your PC, simply because it will be active for only a fraction of the time. Once SETI has run dry on your PC, BOINC will have no other choice other than letting E@H crunch all the time (irrespective of resource share) and then it will take approximately the indicated time to finish. You can expedite this by allowing BOINC to run even if you are active on the PC (check your preferences, maybe that's already done).
Hope this helps
It basically boils down to
It basically boils down to what you want and your priorities. The workunit has only been issued for a couple of days, so if you abort/report it, it'll be reissued quickly (usually) to another volunteer. Plus considering the length of time it takes to crunch Einstein WUs, two or so days tacked on to validation (and that's dependent on who it is reissued to; it may get crunched and reported even before your present quorum mate reports) is small beans IMO.
I'd implore you to make sure you abort and report before you do the HD wipe else your quorum mate will have to wait until Jan. 4 before the workunit is reissued (that can be somewhat aggravating).
RE: RE: I needed to wipe
Yeah, I got that. I'd sit there and watch it switch back and forth sometimes when I'm bored with watching grass grow or paint dry. SETI has been finished since yesterday. It's had at least 24 straight hours of processing time to work on what it said was 10 hours.
BTW, maybe it's something that has to do with Linux, but when I pull down the Activity menu to look at the selection, none of the radio buttons are selected. I switched around to see if there was something I was missing. They all work, so I put it back on "Run Always." Still has 3+ hours to go. Might be I don't get the wipe done this weekend after all. Christmas project?