I seem to have a LOT of disk space in my info. Is this happening on anyone else with Solaris? Also, swap isn't being reported and I can't remember if it ever was.
Domain name helium
Local Standard Time UTC -6 hours
Name helium
Created 28 Jun 2006 2:45:42 UTC
Total Credit 118.26
Recent average credit 10.27
CPU type SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
Number of CPUs 1
Operating System SunOS
Memory 2048 MB
Cache 976.56 KB
Swap space 0 MB
Total disk space 222183022641.74 GB
Free Disk Space 26728452102.22 GB
Measured floating point speed 263.71 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 554.57 million ops/sec
Average upload rate 0.28 KB/sec
Average download rate 1439.48 KB/sec
Average turnaround time 1.22 days
Maximum daily WU quota per CPU 32/day
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SPARC / Solaris computer info
My SPARC server reports the same as yours, and always did. I never had any swap reported (while there is 24GB) and the disk space is a bit too high (even though there is 10TB in NFS mounts, it is still far from 430174941229.04 GB). It seems both version of Solaris 8 and 10) are affected by this bug (or feature or lack of support, call it as you like). Since that doesn't change anything, I never paid it any attention.
Domain name vega.DMI.USherb.CA
Local Standard Time UTC -5 hours
Name vega.DMI.USherb.CA
Created 28 Apr 2006 14:01:33 UTC
Total Credit 27,038.13
Recent average credit 368.93
CPU type SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
Number of CPUs 6
Operating System SunOS
Memory 11264 MB
Cache 976.56 KB
Swap space 0 MB
Total disk space 430174941229.04 GB
Free Disk Space 51623575564.02 GB
Measured floating point speed 264.32 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 784.01 million ops/sec
Average upload rate 0.56 KB/sec
Average download rate 516.55 KB/sec
Average turnaround time 5.85 days
Maximum daily WU quota per CPU 32/day