Solved: Linux kernel 3.2.0-0.bpo.1-486 #1

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Topic 196160

New kernel via debian backports. Previous 2.6.39 Squeeze I686 AMD C50 Bobcat board in an EEEbox eb1020 1GB memory

BOINCMANAGER 6.12.34 (x86) Widgets 2.8.10

When I boot into the new kernel looks good but Boinc manager does not show Einstein (or Milky Way) projects or tasks Log empty. Disk usage 0.00 kb

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE - when booted into 2.6.39 all projects and tasks are shown, no actual loss of data.

TIA (thanks is advance) peace, mark

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Solved: Linux kernel 3.2.0-0.bpo.1-486 #1


Is the BOINC client (process "boinc") running at all? It seems so, as one of the hosts is shown as having a 3.2 kernel. "Top" should then show the running science apps, and in that case it's a BOINC manager problem ==> should be reported in the BOINC forums, where you get a better chance to get the attention of BOINC developers.


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No word when posted to Boinc

No word when posted to Boinc forum. When all my tasks were done, I removed boinc and boincmgr 6.12 from ~/bin(installed via the shell script) and then installed boinc 6.10 via aptitude (.deb) and that works on linux kernel 3.20.

If there is a way to amend my title to SOLVED: blah blah blah I can do that

thanks. mark

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I am glad you are using the

I am glad you are using the Debian packages. While the Debian testing and unstable distributions are kicking along very happily with the latest developments, with my maintainer hat on I admit to be a bit bad with support for stable. I should have prepared a 6.10.60 a long time ago for it.

How are general feelings? Is the latest of the 6.10 series what you expect in backports because you know what you get? Or would you rather want to go for all the nice GPU bits that comes with 7.0? Personally I am thinking that 6.10 is what should be there, but I am not using backports and have no idea how the packages would be perceived. So, just tell me, please.



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