I've recently signed up for the Einstein project and I notice that the completion limits for the work units are extremely short. I participate in four Boinc projects and there is no way I can complete Einstein units in the one or two days that are allotted. If the time allowed isn't extended then I will need to drop off this project because it's taking useless time from the other projects.
Bill W.
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Short completion limits??
I've never seen report deadlines shorter than 7 days personally.
> I've recently signed up for
> I've recently signed up for the Einstein project and I notice that the
> completion limits for the work units are extremely short. I participate in
> four Boinc projects and there is no way I can complete Einstein units in the
> one or two days that are allotted. If the time allowed isn't extended then I
> will need to drop off this project because it's taking useless time from the
> other projects.
Perhaps you need to set your "connect to network" interval under general prefs to someting small like 0.1 or 0.2 days so that your queue is kept small and the work doesn't become stale, until you clear the backlog. Then you can set it back to some sort of compromise so that each project has sufficient work on hand. You don't really need to cache much. Multiple projects is a very good cache anyway.
You actually have 7 days with E@H and unfortunately your client wasn't smart enough to take the other projects properly into account. You received too many on the 4th and now they are about to expire. It's good that you complained because this is what will convince the developers to increase the expiry time, even if only by a day or three :).
> I've never seen report
> I've never seen report deadlines shorter than 7 days personally.
The shortest real deadlines I've seen were like 20 minutes, that was for testing on this project (pirates actually). The absolute shortest deadlines were about 2 minutes when there was a error in the setup of the work generator on the BOINC alpha project.
BOINCing since 2002/12/8
I'm having a real problem
I'm having a real problem with this too. The issue is that one of my PCs (the work one) may go several days without having connectivity to download more WUs so I set it to connect every three days (for example).
The problem is that I then get two or three E@H WUs that I have no chance of completing in 7 days. E@H gets 44% of the PC but does not get to do much crunching during work hours and it's really galling to see all those cycles go to waste as the deadline sails on by.
I'm having a problem finding a compromise between a long enough period so that I get enough Seti units and short enough that I can process the E@H ones. If this carries on I will have to drop Einstein as it is hurting the other two projects I participate in.
Same problem here, I
Same problem here, I participate in 4 BOINC projects (25% share each) and my home computer is crunching WUs max. for one hour per day. My machine needs about 7-8 hours to complete the WU. So there is no way I can completely crunch a WU within the very limited time frame of 7 days without dropping the other 3 projects.
If the limit remains that low, I'll have to drop this project.
Why is the time frame so short?
> > I've recently signed up
> > I've recently signed up for the Einstein project and I notice that the
> > completion limits for the work units are extremely short. I participate
> in
> > four Boinc projects and there is no way I can complete Einstein units in
> the
> > one or two days that are allotted. If the time allowed isn't extended
> then I
> > will need to drop off this project because it's taking useless time from
> the
> > other projects.
> Perhaps you need to set your "connect to network" interval under general prefs
> to someting small like 0.1 or 0.2 days so that your queue is kept small and
> the work doesn't become stale, until you clear the backlog. Then you can set
> it back to some sort of compromise so that each project has sufficient work on
> hand. You don't really need to cache much. Multiple projects is a very good
> cache anyway.
> You actually have 7 days with E@H and unfortunately your client wasn't smart
> enough to take the other projects properly into account. You received too
> many on the 4th and now they are about to expire. It's good that you
> complained because this is what will convince the developers to increase the
> expiry time, even if only by a day or three :).
Hi Berton,
I didn't agree with set the "connect to network" to 0.1 day's.
Because the main point here is E@H didn't take if more then one Project will be calculated at one Computer.
The Calculation time of one WU is around double of a Seti WU, but completion limit is just half of Seti! :-(
My consequense will be that I reduce my Computers that work for E@H!
The Computers should do the work without nursing it 10 times a day!