does anyone how boinc communicates with the servers?
does it open ports on the client computer? does the server
connect to the client computer, or all communication is controlled by the client?
Piotr Chrusciel
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security question
Hello Piotr,
AFAIK Boinc talks to it's homebase through port 80, and manager and core use port 1043 for interaction. But as a 'just-user' I may stand corrected by the wizards.
Nevertheless, I bet the answer is in here:
The (very good) manual for Boinc is the BOINC Powered Projects Documentation by Paul D. Buck and the FAQ therein.
Grüße vom Sänger
Almost correct. The BOINC
Almost correct. The BOINC daemon calls out to the projects on port 80 using http. The BOINC manager (or third party replacement for same) talks to the BOINC daemon on either port 1043 or 31416 depending on version and possibly configuration. In 4.30 and later, it attempts both to find a port to use.