Screensaver error

John Hetherington
John Hetherington
Joined: 27 Dec 05
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Topic 194493

Just joined and gettimg constant error messages and problems with a VISTA message saying graphics card successfully recovered, every time the screensaver for einstein loads. Basically creating system instability I need to recover from. I'm stopping work until I get a suggestion. The card is built in Intel on a Dell Laptop.
It works OK on my XP desktop.

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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Screensaver error

How important is the screensaver for you? Because the easiest way to avoid that error is to not use the BOINC screensaver.

Otherwise, there are many ways how your machine (hard/firm/software) can be malfunctioning, because others don't have that problem with the screensaver. My first guess would be the driver version for the graphics board, but I'm in no way expert on this field.

[edit]I just checked the only returned job in your task list. It shows the dreaded "Can't acquire lockfile" error. Try a forum search for that.[/edit]

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