S5R5 tasks stalling, others ok

Joined: 22 May 06
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Topic 194385

Over the past couple of days, most of the S5R5 workunits I've downloaded have "stalled"; BOINC Manager (6.6.31) shows them as running, and they monopolize a processor, but they make no progress and use no cpu cycles. At one point I reset the project and rebooted. But when new workunits of this type downloaded, the same thing happened. There are no error messages. Other varieties of Einstein applications work fine, and I have several other projects running without problem.

This is in Windows 7 64-bit RC build 7100, on an i7 920 with 12GB RAM, not overclocked, running at comfortable temperature.

Any ideas?


Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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S5R5 tasks stalling, others ok

Those not aborted show an exit code of -1. Citation from BOINC FAQ Service:

Exit codes -1,0,1: These look like a program other than the BOINC Client (such as a malware scanner) terminated the App in the middle of crunching. The stderr out doesn't show anything helpful in these cases. Again, Bernd (and probably a lot of participants) would be thankful for a hint why these are happening.

129743426 did finish successfully though it's an S5R5 task.


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

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