I recently up graded to BOINC 5.4.11, The added a new project. I am now receiving to many workunits for Einstein.
I tried resetting the project, Same thing happended. I had to suspend this Project.
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Receiving to many workunits
Just wondering, when you set up the new project, did you change the 'network connect time' to a higher value?
Instead of suspending the project, maybe you could set it to 'no new work'. And if you think you have too many WU to complete in the time available, you could abort some of the access units.
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so, im gonna guess, you where
so, im gonna guess, you where getting just enough before you add'd another project, then you add'd another project,, my question is, wich preferances did you update last? the new projects? last i checkd boinc uses the newist modified preferances. so if the prefs for project B dosent match project A (einstein in this case) then your gonna get issues.. id go in and make sure that the prefs there are the same here. just remember that the last ones you hit "save" on will be the ones boinc uses.. dont forogt to hit the update button in boinc!
seccondarly, if your cache for einstein is high, say. 3 days. try lowering the cache to say, 1 day, and try again.
this happens because both projects dont know how long it takes you to return work with more then one project going.. in otherwords assumeing you where only running einstein and it was running 24/7 and you just add'd another project with the exact same prefs there both now running 12 hours a day. so the projects dont know there only going to be getting half the time they expect just yet. einstein still thinks you can return 3 days of work in 3 days when in fact it would now take 6 (for example)
hope this gives you some insight, and that i got everything correct.
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Thanks all, for your help.I
Thanks all, for your help.I dettached the project and re attached it this cleared out all the extra WU's.