Question about FGRP Nvidia WUs

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Topic 197564

I had my preferences set to accept FGRP GPU tasks but never received any. What are the memory, etc. requirements for these tasks? (I tried various searches of the forums but didn't really find an answer.) I have a GT 520 card with 1GB memory -- is that sufficient for a single FGRP task? I currently have these tasks turned off (by setting utilization factor t0 -1) until I find out if my hardware is capable of running them.

BRP GPU tasks run OK -- running two at a time in the GPU (utilization factor set to 0.5).

BTW -- I encountered problems with Gravitational Wave GPU tasks as noted in a previous post. Interesting that the task display showed 0.2 CPU + 0.5 Nvidia even tho I had the utilization factor set to 1 for those tasks.

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Question about FGRP Nvidia WUs

You have the same problem as me. For some reason boinc only report your GPU with only 1023MB. For FGRP GPU task a GPU with 1024MB is required.

Can you report the log from boinc?

See this tread about S6 casa search. The administradors have loweres slithly the amount of GPU ram required, so GPU's who only show as 1023MB could have work.


Maybe the Devs will feel inclined to drop the limit ever so slightly so that all the 1GB cards that seem to erroneously report as 1023MB can still be used, whatever the real cause of the problem.

Good idea, will do that.

2014-04-24 20:12:44.1328 [PID=18949] [version] OpenCL GPU RAM required min: 1073741824.000000, supplied: 1073283072

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Hi! I just lowered the


I just lowered the limit by 2MB, hope this helps.


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Now I have some of these too!

Now I have some of these too!

GPU Z says I have 1024, Speedfan reported 1023. I guess Boinc was reading 1023 too.

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Finally got some FGRP Nvidia

Finally got some FGRP Nvidia WU's today . . . now waiting to see if they actually run.

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RE: Finally got some FGRP

Finally got some FGRP Nvidia WU's today . . . now waiting to see if they actually run.

After the first FGRP WU had run for awhile, I noticed that it was not fully utilizing the FPU (as indicated by the chip temperature being lower than normal and the processor utilization being below ~70% most of the time), so I decided to abort the other WUs and let just one run to completion -- during the last half or so of the run, it was using 100% of the CPU and 0% of the PFU. It did complete and validate; here are the numbers:

Run Time: 29,767 sec.
CPU Time: 25,869 sec.
Granted Credit: 660

Now compare those numbers with a recently completed BRP WU which was one of two running in the FPU:

Run Time: 24,179 sec.
CPU Time: 2,987 sec.
Granted Credit: 1000

So . . . think I will stick with BRP WUs and not tie up a complete CPU to support FGRP WUs that take longer to run and produce less credit.

FYI -- My machine has a dual-core AMD CPU and the FPU is a Nvidia GT 250.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: So . . . think I will

So . . . think I will stick with BRP WUs and not tie up a complete CPU to support FGRP WUs that take longer to run and produce less credit.

We were warned back at the start of the year when the FGRP3 run was announced, that only part of the calculation had been ported to the GPU and that there would be significant CPU time still required for the remainder. We were also warned that the follow up stage, after the data had been crunched, would be done entirely on the CPU and would take a quite unpredictable amount of time. So it should be no surprise to see significant parts of the calculation where the GPU load is zero.

FYI -- My machine has a dual-core AMD CPU and the FPU is a Nvidia GT 250.

A GT 250 is pretty old so is likely to be slow anyway. It's a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and not a Floating Point Unit (FPU). The FPU (which handles floating point calculations) is integrated into the CPU although in the early days it used to be a separate chip.


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RE: We were also warned

We were also warned that the follow up stage, after the data had been crunched, would be done entirely on the CPU and would take a quite unpredictable amount of time. So it should be no surprise to see significant parts of the calculation where the GPU load is zero.

Maybe YOU were warned but I didn't see it.

Sorry -- my card is a GT 520, NOT a GT 250 as previously posted! So it does have DP FP capability -- at least that is required for milkyway@home FPU WUs and it works for them.

Anyway, I'll stick with BRP WUs until the FGRP app get upgraded.

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RE: My machine has a

My machine has a dual-core AMD CPU and the FPU is a Nvidia GT 250.

Two typos in that line! "FPU" should have been "GPU" and "GT 250" should have been "GT 520"!! I must have been tired. . . :-(

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