The Python thread

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Take it away Minnie

Message 35339 in response to message 35338

Take it away Minnie

John Hunt
John Hunt
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RE: Take it away

Message 35340 in response to message 35339

Take it away Minnie


HTTP Referer:

Remote Address:

Request URI: /wav/mountain.wav

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Redirect Status: 403

Bluebottle works OK....

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RE: Bluebottle works

Message 35341 in response to message 35340


Bluebottle works OK....

Nope, but it's a pretty colour

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RE: RE: Bluebottle

Message 35342 in response to message 35341


Bluebottle works OK....

Nope, but it's a pretty colour

Yes, but what time is it Eccles?

John Hunt
John Hunt
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RE: Yes, but what time is

Message 35343 in response to message 35342

Yes, but what time is it Eccles?

Nice one Keith!

(anyone wondering who the heck the Goons are, try here.)

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Needs a bump - Good

Needs a bump -

Good evening. Here is the news for Parrots:

No parrots were involved in an accident on the M-1 today when a Lorry carrying
High-octane fuel was in collison with a bollard. That's a BOLLARD and *NOT* a
PARROT. A spokesman for parrots said he was glad no parrots were involved.
The Minister of Technology today met the three Russian leaders to discusa
a 4 million pound airliner deal....None of them entered the cage, or swung on
the little wooden trapeze or ate any of the nice millet seed. Yum, Yum.

And while thats going on, here's a parliamentary report for Humans:
In the debate, a spokesman accused the goverment of being silly and doing
not at all good things. The member accepted this in the spirit of healthy
criticism, but denied that he had ever been naughty with a choir boy.
Angry shouts of 'What about the Watermelon then' were ordered then by the
speaker to be stricken from the record and put into a brown paper bag in the
lavvy. Any further interruptions would be cut up and distributed amongst
the poor. For the Government, a front-bench spokesman said the Agricultural
Tariff WOULD have to be raised. And he fancied a bit. Whats more he argued,
this would give a large boost to farmers, him, his friends, and Miss Moist
of Knightsbridge. From the back benches there were opposition shouts of
'Postcards for sale' and a healthy cry of 'Who likes a sailor then' from the
minister without portfolio. Replying, the Shadow Minister said he could no
longer deny the rumors, but he and the Dachsund were very happy. And in any
case he argued Rhubarb was cheap, and what was the harm in a sauna bath?

We're not involved.

The Minister of Technology met the three Russian leaders to discuss a 4 million
pound airliner deal....none of them were indigenous to Australia, carried their
young in pouches, or ate any of those yummy Eucalyptus leaves..Yum Yum. Thats
the news for Attila the Hun.

Those who don’t build must burn. It’s as old as history and juvenile delinquents.
Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451

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Good evening, and welcome to

Message 35345 in response to message 35344

Good evening, and welcome to The Money Programme.

Tonight on The Money Programme, we're going to look at money. Lots of it.

On film, and in the studio. Some of it in nice piles, others in lovely clanky bits of loose change.

Some of it neatly counted into fat little hundreds, delicate fivers stuffed into bulging wallets, nice crisp clean checks, pert pieces of copper coinage thrust deep into trouser pockets, romantic foreign money rolling against the thigh with rough familiarity, beautiful wayward curlicued banknotes, filigreed copper plating cheek by jowl with tumbling hexagonal milled edges rubbing gently against the terse leather of beautifully balanced bank books!

(I'm sorry.)

But I love money. All money.

I've always wanted money. To handle! To touch!

The smell of the rain-washed florin!
The lure of the lira!
The glitter and the glory of the guinea!
The romance of the ruble!
The feel of the franc!
The heel of the deutschmark!
The cold antiseptic sting of the Swiss franc!
And the sunburnt splendor of the Australian dollar!

John Hunt
John Hunt
Joined: 4 Mar 05
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RE: Good evening, and

Message 35346 in response to message 35345


Good evening, and welcome to The Money Programme.

Tonight on The Money Programme, we're going to look at money. Lots of it.

On film, and in the studio. Some of it in nice piles, others in lovely clanky bits of loose change.

Some of it neatly counted into fat little hundreds, delicate fivers stuffed into bulging wallets, nice crisp clean checks, pert pieces of copper coinage thrust deep into trouser pockets, romantic foreign money rolling against the thigh with rough familiarity, beautiful wayward curlicued banknotes, filigreed copper plating cheek by jowl with tumbling hexagonal milled edges rubbing gently against the terse leather of beautifully balanced bank books!

(I'm sorry.)

But I love money. All money.

I've always wanted money. To handle! To touch!

The smell of the rain-washed florin!
The lure of the lira!
The glitter and the glory of the guinea!
The romance of the ruble!
The feel of the franc!
The heel of the deutschmark!
The cold antiseptic sting of the Swiss franc!
And the sunburnt splendor of the Australian dollar!

The Money Song

I've got ninety thousand pounds in my pajamas.
I've got forty thousand French francs in my fridge.
I've got lots and lots of lira,
Now the deutschmark's getting dearer,
And my dollar bill could buy the Brooklyn Bridge.

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money!
There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash!
Some people say it's folly, but I'd rather have the lolly,
With money you can make a smash!

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money!
There is nothing like a newly minted pound!
Everyone must hanker for the butchness of a banker,
It's accountancy that makes the world go round!

You can keep your Marxist ways, for it's only just a phase...
Money, money, money makes the world go round!!!

Money! Money! Money! Money! Money! Money! Money! Money! Money!!!

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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Has anyone listened to Eric

Has anyone listened to Eric Idle's FCC song?

John Hunt
John Hunt
Joined: 4 Mar 05
Posts: 1227
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RE: Has anyone listened to

Message 35348 in response to message 35347

Has anyone listened to Eric Idle's FCC song?

That is bloody marvellous! (the Python spirit lives on.....)

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