Project File Handler missing

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Topic 194266

Due to a system change I copied the old project files to the new location. There are about six completed work units, but I can't upload them. I get the following message: "Project file upload handler is missing". I tried the old system, too, but with the same result. What can I do to solve this problem?

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Project File Handler missing

Make sure that you allowed BOINC to connect to the internet through your firewall, at ports 80 and 443.

The system that downloaded the tasks must also upload them, though. The tasks are registered to the old system, just copying them to another computer won't be of much help. You would need to move the complete BOINC Data directory to get around that.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Due to a system change

Due to a system change I copied the old project files to the new location. There are about six completed work units, but I can't upload them. I get the following message: "Project file upload handler is missing". I tried the old system, too, but with the same result. What can I do to solve this problem?

A couple of points you should be aware of:-

The file upload handler (as the name suggests) is a program running at the server end whose purpose is to handle the uploads of completed results. It is possible (but not usually common) for that program to be shut down by staff. It shouldn't normally be an issue at the client end since the client will keep trying until it eventually succeeds. So this is only a temporary problem that BOINC itself is designed to cope with - no user intervention normally required.

The comments by Ageless are correct if you change the words "system" and "computer" to "hostID". You can return results from a different system or computer (hardware wise) provided you have moved the hostID as well - which was implied in the final sentence.

If you want to make major system modifications such as upgrading hardware, reinstalling the OS or even moving to a brand new computer, the following is the procedure I use (Windows XP OS):-

  • * Completely stop BOINC and confirm nothing running.
    * Uninstall BOINC.
    * Shift residual BOINC tree to a USB or network drive for safekeeping (remember with 6.x clients that you have both BOINC and BOINC Data folders, althought the BOINC folder may be empty).
    * Conduct your major surgery whatever it is.
    * When your new system is running properly, restore the saved BOINC Data folder (and BOINC if you saved it) to where you want it to be.
    * Reinstall BOINC making sure you tell the installer the precise location of the restored folders, particularly if they are not in the default locations.

You should now find that your projects are happily running, your hostID is unchanged, you don't have extra (phantom) computers in your computers list and your credit history for that hostID (instance of BOINC) is as it should be.

Please be aware that this is a procedure for moving BOINC but NOT for duplicating BOINC on to a second machine. If the server finds the same hostID being used twice, you will lose your entire cache of work. Your tasks will be marked "client detached" on the website.


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