I try to update my project and receive the following message, as if I was not requesting new work...
In project tab, I read the following labels on tasks buttons: update, suspend, No new work, reset project and detach. That makes me think that I should get new work, but then I press update and I do not receive new work. (I tried also the other possibility, allow new work, and the result was the same.
I must have something wrong in my settings but I couuld not figure what is wrong.
Can someone help me with this issue?
12/14/2005 10:34:16 AM|Einstein@Home|Sending scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi
12/14/2005 10:34:16 AM|Einstein@Home|Reason: Requested by user
12/14/2005 10:34:16 AM|Einstein@Home|Note: not requesting new work or reporting results
12/14/2005 10:34:21 AM|Einstein@Home|Scheduler request to http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/EinsteinAtHome_cgi/cgi succeeded
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problems uploading work
This may not be a problem. That is, if you are running other projects (e.g. SETI), BOINC may just be rebalancing its workload to align with the resource share you have programmed. Again, using the SETI example, since it was not available recently (for about a week), BOINC probably ran Einstein (and other projects you may be attached to) much more than its usual share while SETI was down. Therefore, BOINC will be trying to catch SETI back up over the next several days and it may not ask for work from Einstein (and other projects) until it is ready to run them again. If this sounds like it might apply to your case, just leave BOINC alone and it will get back to normal. If it doesn't apply to you, post back again.
Edit: This page from the BOINC Wiki explains the "Work Scheduler".
Any time you see "Note: not
Any time you see "Note: not requesting new work or reporting results" it means BOINC doesn't want more work from that project on your computer at this time. This is normal, as Stick said, and can occur even when a project _hasn't_ been down for a week, if one project got ahead of another for any reason. The only time to be concerned about it is if your computer is sitting idle, with no work from _any_ project, yet still gives this message.
RE: Any time you see "Note:
Thanks, Bill! I guess you are completely right! I have work from other projects being executed.
Thanks for your kind attention on replying to me!
Happy holidays!
RE: RE: I try to update
Thanks for your kind attention on replying my post. I guess you figured out the problem! I really have other works from other projects being executed!
Happy holidays!