I'm the founder of the Einstein Team "Crunching Family".
In once for i while i changed the Username and the Emailadress.
If i notice that this is silly (i'm not longer the Teamfounder by using the new name and emailadress...) i returned to the old ones.
But today i'm allso not the Teamfounder...
and so there is no one able to make changes/to the Team Management Funktions now.
Is there any way to become the teamfounder again?
In other Projects (Predictor) there is in the Team-Management links one called "change founder".
is anywere in Einstein an option like this, allso?
http://www.crunching-family.at - my team
I'm a beekeeper in the Austrian Alps.
If you want to know / to learn something about bees, the bee-living and the beekeeping, just ask me.
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Problem with Teamfounder after changing useroptions
In E@H there is a managemnt function to change founder also; unfortunately since you are no longer recognized as founder, you can't see it or use it. :( :(
I don't know what to suggest, hopefully the admins can fix it for you.
It's certainly a warning message for potential founders to choose their names with care!
Hi Miko, Bruce just
Hi Miko,
Bruce just pointed me to this problem. I appologize for the delay.
The problem is that you have two accounts. The ids are 7021 and 8313.
The account with 8313 is the "founder" of the team.
You can get your account keys by going to the url below and entering your email addresses. You will have to do this for both the email addresses you used for accounts.
Once you log in as user id 8313 you can change the founder back to your original account.
Use this thread to let me know of any problems you have. I will be listening now.
???? Hello David!
Hello David!
First of all, thanks for Your arrangement!
OK, i'll try, but:
i found in my "Boincs-Accounts-Folder" just one Einstein Account
(one Account ID, but maybe there was another one in former times.)
In this Account i changed the URL and the username several times...
I know all these Emailadresses and Names, but i think
possible i'll make new troubles if i do Your way...
...with the same name but different Emailaddys???
So i changed one name again and it was able to change the Teamfouder to the other!!!
THANK YOU for Your HELP !!!!!!!!!!1
Is it righ
http://www.crunching-family.at - my team
I'm a beekeeper in the Austrian Alps.
If you want to know / to learn something about bees, the bee-living and the beekeeping, just ask me.