Many thanks to Bruce et al. for offering this FREE download to Einstein@Home crunchers: this is the best reward for their participation. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a FREE download, all I got was an offer for the standard download for $25.00. Please explain how to get the FREE download, thanks. (Do not worry for me, I just have to go to my University to get free download of any AIP or APS article).
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Phys. Rev. D article about S4 search results: FREE download ?
It seems to be possible to open the PDF article once, and once only, per computer - the second attempt gets the login screen and, presumably, the request for $25.00: I didn't get that far, just switched to a second computer on the same LAN.
So if you get to see the full text on screen, use the Acrobat Reader controls to save a local copy (that works), don't go back to the previous screen and try to save to disk from there.
I had no problem downloading
I had no problem downloading it twice with my Firefox. I think the article has beaten all records for the number of authors and institutions, even excluding the volunteers. Nice to be thanked for our efforts.
RE: I think the article
This seems to be the standard author list of all LIGO Science Collaboration publications.
RE: RE: I think the
Yes, and it will be referred as work of Abbott B. et al.