maybe there are some of you who already know about that, but I just wanted to present my statisticscript which also supports Einstein@home. Its written completely in PHP, so you may download the sourcecode and use it on your own server. Another possibility is to use my server (further information about that on the homepage). You can see an example in my signature, but there are also these other images:
A few weeks ago I also created a webpage for the script where you find news, the documentation and the latest version to download (click here)
Have Fun!
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
PHP Statisticscript based on WAPstats
New version 3.5 adds Predictor support so that finally ALL projects are implemented :)
So now you can have something like that:
Link to the homepage
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new version 3.6 is out, see
new version 3.6 is out, see Homepage for changelog
Example for the new counter_detailed.php:
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Hi@all, today I finally
today I finally announce the new version 4.0 of boincwapstats!
Changes since last 3.x version (3.6):
- added statistics (see folder statistics for details)
For an example, click here
- LHC is now fully supported (finally they have WAP on their page)
- added some more MySQL tables and entries (upgrade for 3.5/3.6 tables is included, needed if you want to use statistics)
- moved output.php to output/output.php
- added support for project "LHC-Alpha"
- bugfixes
Unfortunately, the load on my server got significantly higher during the last weeks, so if you have got a webspace/server, it would be great it you could install the script there. If you have got little free traffic, you can use the one_user_mode, should you have more, it would be even greater if you opened your server for the public.
For limiting the load, I implemented a new function which allows you to set a daily maximum of signature requests. Those who are willing to set up a public server can add it to the mirrorlist here. Thank you very much!!
The mirrorlist
(Please try to use mirrors in order to share the load on different servers)
Links for downloading sourcecode and style pack:
Style pack
Have fun!
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OK, here is a double
OK, here is a double announcement:
- New version 4.1 is out, more details on the homepage.
- The project's homepage is now located at sourcefoge.net, and therefore the URLs changed:
Homepage: http://boincwapstats.sourceforge.net/
Mirror list: http://boincwapstats.sourceforge.net/mirrors/
Please also note the new URL-generator which simplyfies choosing the right commands and also randomly selects mirrors.
Have fun!
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Hi again, there is a new
Hi again,
there is a new version out (4.2).
Changes can be found here, download of the source code here.
Apart from minor changes like bugfixes and the german main page I also added a new mode for summary.php called Team Summary. It shows the total team credit over different BOINC projects. Use it by adding &team_summary to the URL, specify projects and a user id of a user who is member of the selected team.
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Version 4.4 is out! Upgrade
Version 4.4 is out! Upgrade to it to get Predictor working again.
Of course, there are also a lot of changes and improvements, see changelog for details.
There is now also a support forum on the page.
The new Load Balancer is also working pretty stable so if anyone wants to test it, just use http://boincwapstats.sourceforge.net/counter.php?[Options] (like on any other server), or create a URL with the URL-generator.
Have fun!
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Hi@all, apart from a new
apart from a new version of the script (4.5), I'm also proud to announce the official start of the boincwapstats Load Balancer. It consists of special URLs at sourceforge.net which will automatically select a mirror for you so that all mirrors are used equally and downtimes are really seldom.
You may get your new URL by using the URL-generator or by simlply replacing your old server (for example http://petrus.homeftp.org/bws/) with http://boincwapstats.sourceforge.net/
A list of all mirrors can be found here. Please note that after a new version of boincwapstats, the LB will only consist of rather few mirrors until they upgrade to the newer version.
I'm planning to also update the documentation on the homepage in order to add the LB there, too. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, by email or in the support forum.
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great work you make for the
great work you make for the community
real good stuff !
Thank you very much! :)
Thank you very much! :)
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Just finished version 4.6,
Just finished version 4.6, this adds 2 new display modes for the summary, an Adminarea and of course a lot of bugfixes.
See changelog for details. Mod developers should consider upgrading cause the Adminarea makes it much easier to manage the installation. All others should have a look at the new styles, they should be choosable in the generator soon:
The left one is right-aligned and the right one is an example of the "small summary". You may also combine these 2 options.
If you have any questions have a look at the support forum.
Have fun!
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