Are you certain that neither you nor anyone with access to this computer has not visited or played at the Party Poker site within the 24-hour time frame in which it appeared? Had you recently downloaded anything directly into the BOINC folder, such that it may have remained as the default download destination?
My reason for asking these questions is that on further research I have found no reliable link between Party Poker and any spyware/malware threat. Quite the opposite, actually - Party Poker is the largest, busiest, and one of the most-recommended online gambling sites. It is an internationally-traded stock, company based in Gibralter, i.e., not even a hint of anything unethical that I could find about it. I'm not a gambler, by any stretch of the definition, so I didn't visit the site, but that is all that I could discover in poking around.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
PartyPoker Link?
Well, if you were malware, crapware, etc. writer, you wouldn't put it into a folder pointing at yourself, would you?
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
Nope. I just found it
Nope. I just found it interesting that BOINC had been identified as a good hidingplace.
RE: Nope. I just found it
Hehe. Rather odd, that. I'd wonder about that, myself.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
RE: My antispyware
What was the file/link identified?
Are you sure its not a false positive?
DKPalmer, Are you certain
Are you certain that neither you nor anyone with access to this computer has not visited or played at the Party Poker site within the 24-hour time frame in which it appeared? Had you recently downloaded anything directly into the BOINC folder, such that it may have remained as the default download destination?
My reason for asking these questions is that on further research I have found no reliable link between Party Poker and any spyware/malware threat. Quite the opposite, actually - Party Poker is the largest, busiest, and one of the most-recommended online gambling sites. It is an internationally-traded stock, company based in Gibralter, i.e., not even a hint of anything unethical that I could find about it. I'm not a gambler, by any stretch of the definition, so I didn't visit the site, but that is all that I could discover in poking around.
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK