Since the server update I have a (yet) single case wchich seems a bit strange to me':
Task: 136024155
outcome success, valid state: invalid.
What bothers me: Accorduing to the "time reported"-Report I have been second in reporting this WU. However, the last one was credited....
And: minimum quorum 2; Initial replication = 3 -->?????
Is it dump to say that with these settings one out of three is always left empty handed?
If so - this is a serious waste of our resources, which I'll have to think about.
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Outcome success but no credits
Outcome success means the result was successfully downloaded, crunched and returned, but does not mean it was valid. Once the validator tests your successfully returned unit, is when you are either given the points or found invalid and sent to a 3rd person.
And "Initial replication" is
And "Initial replication" is simply incremented with every copy sent out. It doesn't imply that all three were sent out "initially".
Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)