optimizied for AMD Opteron 64

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Topic 191759

Show I've read quite number of threads regarding optimized einstein2home, but I've yet to come accross it. If it exits could someone point me to it. Thanks


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optimizied for AMD Opteron 64

There were a large number of 3rd party optimized apps for the last science run. They won't work for the current one. At it's conclusion, the person who wrote them was hired on as a consultant for the project. This resulted in an initial stock app for s5 that was halfway between the s4 stock and s4 optimized apps. Subsequently farther enhanced apps that are almost as fast as the s4 optimized ones were released as a public beta. Then more recently they were made the official app for the project. There're currently mac beta apps available for testing, but nothing for linux/windows.

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Thanks for the note. I run

Thanks for the note. I run Gentoo Linux, which is its self an optamized install.


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