Odd bug not getting Intel work related to GW GPU Beta?

Xandro BA
Xandro BA
Joined: 23 Jul 13
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Topic 197545


Having the following occurrence. I'm running Nvidia and Intel GPU tasks. Was running Intel tasks and a FGRP GPU task. Had a BRP5 in reserve. Decided to try to get some GW Beta work. I got 3. Wanted to run them first so suspended the FGRP and BRP5 task so it would immediately start, which it did. From that moment on i wasn't getting any more Intel GPU tasks. So i started testing. When i unsuspend the FGRP and BRP5 task i get new Intel tasks. Although i have to run update manually. If i suspend the same two tasks again i can update what i want but don't get Intel tasks. Even if i go for work for a day or more. Only if i unsuspend the tasks as mentioned, which were downloaded before the three GW GPU's i get new Intel work.

I did not encounter this behaviour before getting the GW's or in any other combination of files. Odd because it's all Nvidia files which i would expect to be seperate from the Intel tasks.

Xandro BA
Xandro BA
Joined: 23 Jul 13
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Odd bug not getting Intel work related to GW GPU Beta?

Addition: I'm not getting any work at all when those 2 tasks are suspended, Nvidia or Intel. Even when going way beyond the estimated remaining time.

Joined: 29 Dec 06
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Boinc won't ask for work from

Boinc won't ask for work from a project if there are tasks from that project suspended, Full stop, Why ask for fresh work when there are tasks suspended.


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