For the last couple of days, I have received no new tasks. Is there a problem on your end, or is it on my end.
There is no problem with the supply of tasks that I know of.
I had a quick look through your tasks list and there are 367 tasks in total currently showing in the online database. Of that 367, 348 are Arecibo BRP4 tasks for the CPU.
The 348 consist of valid=165, pending=61, invalid=1, in progress=3 and aborted=118.
The remaining 19 tasks to make up the total of 367, consist of BRP5=6, FGRP2=1 and GW Directed search (CasA)=12. All of these 19 have been aborted.
As you seem to have received quite a lot of tasks recently, perhaps BOINC is now favouring your other projects in accordance with your resource share settings.
I'm not sure why you need to abort so many tasks when you could easily set your preferences to receive only those that you want. If you need help with that please ask and somebody is bound to provide assistance. You need to look at the Einstein@Home preferences on your account page on the website.
No New Tasks
There is no problem with the supply of tasks that I know of.
I had a quick look through your tasks list and there are 367 tasks in total currently showing in the online database. Of that 367, 348 are Arecibo BRP4 tasks for the CPU.
The 348 consist of valid=165, pending=61, invalid=1, in progress=3 and aborted=118.
The remaining 19 tasks to make up the total of 367, consist of BRP5=6, FGRP2=1 and GW Directed search (CasA)=12. All of these 19 have been aborted.
As you seem to have received quite a lot of tasks recently, perhaps BOINC is now favouring your other projects in accordance with your resource share settings.
I'm not sure why you need to abort so many tasks when you could easily set your preferences to receive only those that you want. If you need help with that please ask and somebody is bound to provide assistance. You need to look at the Einstein@Home preferences on your account page on the website.
Problem resolved, I did a
Problem resolved, I did a BOINC re-install.