Hello, i am from germany so my english is not the best.
Boinc always told me that it wasn't able to connect to a client. Nothing happend. I tried to connect to localhost but i got again information from boinc that it didnt found a client and isnt able to connect.
So i reinstalled boinc.
Nothing happened.
After this i closed all programs which were running.
After closing Photo Shop and Winamp it worked.
My Boinc started succesfully and it downloaded all files and asked me for a project server and login.
I restarted my computer and i started at first Photo shop and winamp. When both programs were running i started Boinc.
What a suprise ;)
Boinc didn't work again.
After closing Photo Shop and winamp it worked.
I am going to make a new windows installation and try again in the evening. May be it works after that.
But i am wondering about it because my windows installation is only 12 days old.
Does someone have the same bug?
My Mainboard is a Elitegroup K7S5A with 256+128mb of ram and a amt athlon 1600.
No Overclocking.
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
New Bug found?!?!
Die BOINC Installation besteht aus zwei Applikationen. BOINC client und BOINC manager (die GUI). Beide kommunizieren über TCP/IP port 1043 bzw. 31416 (je nach version) miteinander.
Ist dieser port nicht frei, dann erhälst du die von dir beobachtete Fehlermeldung.
Ob Winamp bzw. Photoshop, oder eine andere Applikation diese ports belegt kannst du mit "netstat -a" überprüfen.
Eine Neuinstallation von Windows wird kaum helfen.
Team Linux Users Everywhere
Maybe BOINC runs as a service
Maybe BOINC runs as a service or screensaver too?
If that is on hold and you start the BOINCmgr then, it seems to start the BOINC client a second time - using an alternative command port.
We had someone in the team with a similar problem, you might want to check the thread in our forum (it's in german language)
RE: Die BOINC Installation
Jop ich habe geschaut, aber es sind keine ports vorhanden die doppelt belegt sind.
RE: Maybe BOINC runs as a
No it doesn't run as a screenserver.
You might be referring to
You might be referring to Adobe LM, the license manager service located at (German Windows)
C:\\Programme\\Gemeinsame Dateien\\Adobe Systems Shared\\Service\\Adobelmsvc.exe
Got a license already? Otherwise LM will frequently try to compare your entered licence data with activation info stored at Adobe. ;)))
Disabling this service at win startup I wouldn't recommend - it's like stealing software from Adobe.
It´s no a bug, it´s a
It´s no a bug, it´s a feature.
The host shall crunch and not paint or hearing music, so the Boinc software make a private revolution. :-)
*Die Signatur befindet sich aus technischen Gründen auf der Rückseite dieses Beitrages!*