Need help with BOINC...

Vinamrata Singal
Vinamrata Singal
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Topic 193034

I'm a newbie here; have no clue of the terminology!
I've started to use BOINC and have linked with the Einstein project. It'snot computing at all nomatter how many times I update. The onlyproject thats working is SETI one. It requests the work, then it says that
schedulerrequest failed: HTTP Internal error
Deffering communication for x and z
Reason; scheduler communication failed.

This has been going on for a long time. Please help!

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Need help with BOINC...

You don't seem to be attached to Einstein. Or at least, no computers are in your list of hosts for this project. So please first make sure you attached properly.

In your list of projects in BOINC Manager, do you see the Einstein project there?
Did the attachment wizard report success when you attached? Can you try to detach and re-attach? Or better yet, can you talk us through how you attached the first time?

Can you tell what kind of computer you use and state which BOINC version you use, please?

Vinamrata Singal
Vinamrata Singal
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I cannot detach and yes, I do

I cannot detach and yes, I do see Einstein when I use BOINC. I have Windows XP. I use Gridrepublic, so i just checked Einstein an d Rosetta. SETI Connected right off, but Einstein and Rosetta are stuck. Please help.

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OK, how do you try to attach?

OK, how do you try to attach? Are you signing up as a new user?
Do know that for each project you attach to, the first time you need to tell BOINC you're a new user and fill in your email address and new password (twice). Just because you are attached to Seti doesn't mean other projects know who you are, they're all separate projects with their own databases.

(If you knew that, it never hurts to ask. Some people don't understand it and expect that since they signed up to 1 project, they are 'known' to all others by 'majick'. ;-))

Vinamrata Singal
Vinamrata Singal
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Yea,I did all tat.It still is

Yea,I did all tat.It still is doing that.
Is my computer messed up?

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Did you allow BOINC to pass

Did you allow BOINC to pass through any firewall that is between your computer and the internet? Is it your own computer, or at work? (If at work, does work allow BOINC to be run?)

Make sure BOINC is allowed on ports 80, 443 and 31416 in the firewall.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: Yea,I did all tat.It

Message 71117 in response to message 71115

Yea,I did all tat.It still is doing that.
Is my computer messed up?

I'm sorry but you must not have attached to Einstein correctly as you have no computers attached to the Einstein project. If you really do think you have a computer attached to Einstein, please go into your BOINC folder and find your state file which is called "client_state.xml". This is a text file and you can browse through it with a simple text editor like Windows notepad. Please do not make any changes to the file (ie make sure you exit when finished WITHOUT saving any changes.

Search through the file for the string "master_url". You should find lines like the following which will tell you every project you are attached to:-

If you can't find an entry for Einstein then you don't have that computer attached to this project. If you do see an entry for Einstein, have a look about 12 lines below it for your host ID - eg nnnnnn, where nnnnnn is the actual ID. If you can find that, please let us know what it is.

PS: You will be able to find a different host ID for every project to which your computer is attached. Please make sure you don't give the ID for any project other than the one for Einstein.


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