If your put your sig url directly into a browser, it comes back:
Problem CURID or CPID blank
BOINC Synergy have changed the way they generate sigs recently - they now do it by Cross Project ID (CPID) instead of individual project account numbers.
You need to log back into BOINC Synergy and fill in the new (very simple) form there.
If your put your sig url directly into a browser, it comes back:
Problem CURID or CPID blank
BOINC Synergy have changed the way they generate sigs recently - they now do it by Cross Project ID (CPID) instead of individual project account numbers.
You need to log back into BOINC Synergy and fill in the new (very simple) form there.
My sig tag isn't working
The image link is bad....
You first need to get the correct address, then enter it between the bbcode image tags
Edit: Odd, my boincsynergy link looks basically the same:
If your put your sig url
If your put your sig url directly into a browser, it comes back:
BOINC Synergy have changed the way they generate sigs recently - they now do it by Cross Project ID (CPID) instead of individual project account numbers.
You need to log back into BOINC Synergy and fill in the new (very simple) form there.
RE: If your put your sig
Thanks for the help.