In my pc doesn´t work the sreensaver

Daniel Cortés Gómez
Daniel Cortés Gómez
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Topic 217687

In my computer I do not get anything about the screensaver, I do not know if I have to do something. Thank you.

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We have nothing to go on.

We have nothing to go on. Your computers are hidden.

What OS are you running (Linux, OSX or Windows)? Which screen saver are you talking about - The BOINC one, The Einstein one or maybe even a Windows one? What tasks are you running? What version of BOINC are you running? What OS version?

Daniel Cortés Gómez
Daniel Cortés Gómez
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Hi, I'm referring to the

Hi, I'm referring to the Einstein screensaver for a windows environment. My pc is a windows 10 and my version of boinc is a world community grid version 7.14.2 (86) Thanks
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Daniel Cortés Gómez wrote: My

Daniel Cortés Gómez wrote:
My pc is a Windows 10

How do you have your Windows 10 screensaver settings configured?

For example, you can left click on the Windows icon at lower left, type screen saver, then left click on "change screen saver".

The leftmost scroll box will show your currently selected screensaver, or, as in my case, (None).  Depending on your selection in the left box, the middle box may have some setting options to offer.

Caution: I've not actually used the Einstein screen saver for years, so once you have answered more questions, you may need to wait for another participant to drop by and offer advice.

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It seems it’s a Core2 Duo

It seems it’s a Core2 Duo running O1OD1 work. The first task crashed. There is a failure about renaming the output file.

Does the O1OD1 work have a screen saver, or does it default to the project screen saver? I never use the screen savers because the eye-candy slows down the real work.

Daniel Cortés Gómez
Daniel Cortés Gómez
Joined: 5 Nov 18
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Hello, yes I have

Hello, yes I have screensaver, specifically World Community Grid, and I'm in other projects SETI, Rossetta Home and their respective screensavers work perfectly, thanks.

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