06.10.2017 13:45:48 | Einstein@Home | Resetting file projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/JPLEPH.405: md5 checksum failed for file
06.10.2017 13:45:48 | Einstein@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
06.10.2017 13:45:48 | Einstein@Home | Reporting 1 completed tasks
06.10.2017 13:45:48 | Einstein@Home | Requesting new tasks for NVIDIA GPU
06.10.2017 13:45:49 | Einstein@Home | Started download of JPLEPH.405
06.10.2017 13:45:50 | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
06.10.2017 13:45:52 | Einstein@Home | Started download of templates_LATeah0041L_1180_2063220.dat
06.10.2017 13:45:53 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of JPLEPH.405
06.10.2017 13:45:53 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of templates_LATeah0041L_1180_2063220.dat
06.10.2017 13:45:53 | Einstein@Home | [error] MD5 check failed for JPLEPH.405
06.10.2017 13:45:53 | Einstein@Home | [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
06.10.2017 13:45:53 | Einstein@Home | [error] Checksum or signature error for JPLEPH.405
And 6 tasks like this.
Restart BOINC didn't help/
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You are not alone with the
You are not alone with the problem
are same
I have the file JPLEPH.405 and do not have the problem - my md5 checksum is d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb which indicates you have downloaded the correct file, so the expected value appears incorrect.
This suggest some bad tasks perhaps.
I don't have any workaround suggestions other than disabling the application to stop it downloading...in the Account / Preferences / Project portal.
Untick - Gamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 (GPU)
Someone else might have an idea, but this looks to be a widespread problem.
I notice 7.6.33 on your boinc version, so that probably eliminates the new version as a possible cause.
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is MD5 of an empty file or empty (zero length) string. Looks like some problem when the tasks were created.
Greetings All Just to
Greetings All
Just to advise, I have same issue with one of my cruchers (I have 4 PC's), so they are all on same version of BOINC (7.8.2), they are all on same NVIDIA Driver, I set new tasks at the same time for all of the PCs and all are connected to the same router.
3 out of 4 PCs downloaded all the files and started crunching successfully but the 4th PC downloads all other files except the one that is causing the issue.
I have no problems with internet connectivity as other projects on that PC work as they should.
I was thinking maybe a ANTIVIRUS Program could be causing the issue, but all four computers have the same ANTIVIRUS Program running.
Yep same with me too, the PC
Yep same with me too, the PC starts to download work normally then during the download process it gets the above mentioned file and gives a checksum error and that trashes any work that came with it.
I've tried resetting, detaching, restarting the PC but no matter what I do I can not get any work for my main cruncher. Exactly the same problem as mentioned above. When nothing else worked I tried skipping image file verification but that made no difference at all. I even tried copying the JPLEPH.405 file from another working PC but it rejects that too and then just tries to re-download the file again. Rinse and repeat, over & over.
This is really ticking me off because as soon as the I get the checksum error any work that was downloading gets trashed with a download error and the PC gets put on the naughty list by the server and then it wont even try to get new work for next 8 hours. Very frustrating.. At the moment I've detached and am about to try a repair install. Strange as the other projects i've tried seem to be working fine.
96953 Einstein@Home 08-10-2017 05:28 AM Finished download of JPLEPH.405
96954 Einstein@Home 08-10-2017 05:28 AM [error] MD5 check failed for JPLEPH.405
96955 Einstein@Home 08-10-2017 05:28 AM [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
96956 Einstein@Home 08-10-2017 05:28 AM [error] Checksum or signature error for JPLEPH.405
Link to PC. https://einsteinathome.org/host/11758243
Any ideas?
Same problem here. 2017.
Same problem here.
2017. okt. 8., vasárnap, 10:13:37 CEST | Einstein@Home | [error] MD5 check failed for JPLEPH.405
2017. okt. 8., vasárnap, 10:13:37 CEST | Einstein@Home | [error] expected d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, got d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
2017. okt. 8., vasárnap, 10:13:37 CEST | Einstein@Home | [error] Checksum or signature error for JPLEPH.405
One of the problematic tasks: https://einsteinathome.org/task/686438565
A manual download of
A manual download of JPLEPH.405 from https://pkleiweg.home.xs4all.nl/jpleph/ or from https://github.com/wlandsman/IDLAstro/blob/master/data/JPLEPH.405 maybe a workaround. After download, place file in your programdata / boinc / projects / einstein directory. Just a suggestion, not tested.
I have not seen any cases for
I have not seen any cases for over 24 hours so this may have been fixed, or the bad tasks removed.
Had the problem twice this
Had the problem twice this morning again, unfortunately.
As it's getting really
As it's getting really annoying, I have nothing to do but find the way how to fix this manually.
Here it is:
1. Stop boinc client.
2. Open file BOINC_DIR/client_state.xml
3. Find this lines
<md5_cksum> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</md5_cksum>
As mentioned before d41d... is a md5 checksum of empty file, so it is obviously wrong value. Replace it with d6ce12bacd2a81a56423f5f238ba84eb
5. Start boinc client
6. ??????
Thank you Den77, I used a
Thank you Den77, I used a similar workaround a few days ago : after stopping boinc, you need to add the following lines in client_state.xml :