LPTP #8... destination reached, more or less

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: Now that I think about


Now that I think about it, the police did not routinely carry a sidearm then ( quiet rural Victoria was not well known for armed offences ). The coppers were all 6+ feet tall and 'built like a brick s***house' in the style of US Marines. One constable had biceps like a gorilla's leg and with the haircut to match. His mere attendance settled down any pub in the district. No one was game to dis him 'cos he could sort out 3 or four at a time ! Honestly he was Seriously A Legend, as while some tried it on when he first turned up word then quickly got around. But I believe they had pistols and a high powered 0.22 calibre rifle locked up at the station. I remember being told one constable would put injured stock down for a farmer in exchange for a bottle of beer ! Of course these days he would caned out of the force for that ! :-)

( edit )

... were all 6+ feet tall and 'built like a brick s***house' in the style of US Marines ...

and/or of course, paratroopers. :-)

Well I am 6ft 4 and 255lbs but I haven't had that haircut since I was about 12 (Mom cut it) and my guns are big enough to shock my local sheriff when he saw it on my cupboard the day they picked up a drunk trying to break in my house at 4am

Used to have those arms too (19inch bicep) since I always thought I was made to play basketball for the Lakers but after I was about 42 I figured out what I actually did was wear out myself physically and decided to do the same with the Powers of Mind.......and would never shoot an animal for a beer (ok I do shoot all the moles that try to mess up my 3 acre lawn with the pistol grip 12gauge) but I only drink a couple beers in an entire year these days (used to brew ales back in the 90's)

Summer is here so I spend most of the day doing the yard work since I would never pay anyone to do it and rarely let anyone beyond the gate at the end of the driveway

The only snakes I see are the garter snakes that try to out-run my John Deere riding mower and some will try to escape across the pond and sometimes the trout will go after them

Two months each year we get sunshine and over 80 degrees when the wife complains about the heat and then we get about 10 months of rain/clouds/occasional snow and usually in the 40's and 50's when she will complain about the rain and wind

So starting thursday night I will be watching NFL games for about 5 months.

(oh and making sure all 7 computers are doing what they are told)

.......just here checking the server status right now

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I am just here for the

I am just here for the WINNING!!!

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aller de l'avant :)

aller de l'avant :)

Love, Michi

David S
David S
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RE: RE: Low to mid 80s F


Low to mid 80s F for the next week here. Potential scattered t-storms at least until Tuesday.

Gotta pick up my pills when I leave work. Only have 3 left and it's twice a day.

You do like to cut it close don't you?! I like to have at least 2 weeks worth at all times. Every couple of months I pout out all mu pills, in individual piles of course, and make up baggies of them or my morning bung. I usually make around 45 to 60 baggies before running out of something and then I stop, putting everything away again, and re-order what I ran out of plus whatever else they will let me. I try to do the mail order only, it is slightly cheaper, but a whole lot easier and I do it thru my health groups webpage.

I too had a paper route as a kid, but got SOOO tired of delivering the Sunday Atlanta Constitution that I gave it up! I had over 300 Sunday only people and had to pay my bill every Saturday to the paper, LOTS of time I would have to get money from my parents to front for the people who said they couldn't pay me today but could next week. They always paid in the end but it was pain sometimes!! Sundays the paper trucks came and would drop bundles and bundles AND BUNDLES of papers plus TONS of 'inserts' that I had to stuff into each paper. There was soo much work it would often take me over 2 hours just to stuff them!! Then I had a bicycle that could only handle like 15 to 20 papers in all the baskets, so TONS of back and forth trips. On SOME rainy days I got my dad to drive me but he didn't like getting up that early, so when he finally said he would not drive me anymore I gave up the route. BEST thing I did that whole year!!

I don't really like to cut it that close, but I was approaching the end of a credit card cycle (copays, you know).

Actually, I have two 7-day pill organizers, one each for morning and evening. They aren't necessarily on the same schedule, so when I said I only had three left, that was just for refilling one of the organizers. The other one still had a few days left in it.

I used to try to get all the pills on the same refill schedule so I would only have to make one trip to the pharmacy (my insurance and my local pharmacy have an agreement so I can get 90 days' worth for the same copay as a 90 day mail order), but that gets painfully expensive with some of them being name brands and having a $30 copay. I know I'm still paying it either way, but it hurts less to break it up.

And having multiple bottles of the same thing around would confuse me. I used to think I was smarter than that, but I guess I'm not.

Other business:

Yes, this being the beginning of the ninth month, we can say that eight months are gone.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: RE: RE: Low to mid


Low to mid 80s F for the next week here. Potential scattered t-storms at least until Tuesday.

Gotta pick up my pills when I leave work. Only have 3 left and it's twice a day.

You do like to cut it close don't you?! I like to have at least 2 weeks worth at all times. Every couple of months I pout out all mu pills, in individual piles of course, and make up baggies of them or my morning bung. I usually make around 45 to 60 baggies before running out of something and then I stop, putting everything away again, and re-order what I ran out of plus whatever else they will let me. I try to do the mail order only, it is slightly cheaper, but a whole lot easier and I do it thru my health groups webpage.

I too had a paper route as a kid, but got SOOO tired of delivering the Sunday Atlanta Constitution that I gave it up! I had over 300 Sunday only people and had to pay my bill every Saturday to the paper, LOTS of time I would have to get money from my parents to front for the people who said they couldn't pay me today but could next week. They always paid in the end but it was pain sometimes!! Sundays the paper trucks came and would drop bundles and bundles AND BUNDLES of papers plus TONS of 'inserts' that I had to stuff into each paper. There was soo much work it would often take me over 2 hours just to stuff them!! Then I had a bicycle that could only handle like 15 to 20 papers in all the baskets, so TONS of back and forth trips. On SOME rainy days I got my dad to drive me but he didn't like getting up that early, so when he finally said he would not drive me anymore I gave up the route. BEST thing I did that whole year!!

I don't really like to cut it that close, but I was approaching the end of a credit card cycle (copays, you know).

Actually, I have two 7-day pill organizers, one each for morning and evening. They aren't necessarily on the same schedule, so when I said I only had three left, that was just for refilling one of the organizers. The other one still had a few days left in it.

I used to try to get all the pills on the same refill schedule so I would only have to make one trip to the pharmacy (my insurance and my local pharmacy have an agreement so I can get 90 days' worth for the same copay as a 90 day mail order), but that gets painfully expensive with some of them being name brands and having a $30 copay. I know I'm still paying it either way, but it hurts less to break it up.

And having multiple bottles of the same thing around would confuse me. I used to think I was smarter than that, but I guess I'm not.

Other business:

Yes, this being the beginning of the ninth month, we can say that eight months are gone.

I juts keep 99% of my bottles in the nightstand drawer, then when I need to fill up more baggies I put them all in a big bag and take them to the kitchen table and go thru my list as i make little piles of each one. As I pull the bottles out of the bag I check to see if their is more then one of the same and use the one with the oldest refill first, it often has fewer pills in it anyway so is pretty easy to find. I too mostly get 90 day refills, but a couple are only 30 days refills and that makes them 'special' and I can't put them in the baggies. I like to make as close to 60 days or so of baggies at a time, right now 16 pills each baggy, that includes both supplements like baby aspirin, multi-vitamins, fish oil, etc as well as the prescription meds I take. The meds with only 30 day refills get taken at dinnertime or bedtime as I only take 4 pills each time for those. I take one more pill at lunchtime as it needs to be about 12 hours from the other time I take it. Yes some of the dinner and bedtime pills are supplements too, the doctor had me rearrange things to take better advantage of sleeping and how the pills work. ie I had some major leg cramps at night from the Vicodin I take so I now take the Vicodin first thing in the morning and 3 magnesium pills throughout the day, with the last one at bedtime, to help counteract the magnesium dumping the Vicodin does. It works for me, no more getting up at night trying to stand on my toes to get them to stretch my calves out to alleviate the muscle cramps.

Did you realize after all that I am now WINNING?!!!!!

David S
David S
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RE: I had some major leg


I had some major leg cramps at night from the Vicodin I take so I now take the Vicodin first thing in the morning and 3 magnesium pills throughout the day, with the last one at bedtime, to help counteract the magnesium dumping the Vicodin does. It works for me, no more getting up at night trying to stand on my toes to get them to stretch my calves out to alleviate the muscle cramps.

Did you realize after all that I am now WINNING?!!!!!

I used to get cramps in my thighs a lot, but not so much lately. Vicodin caused me 11 straight days of, um, inactivity in the euphemism, so I haven't taken it since.

I can't say you're not still winning because I can't win my own thread.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: RE: I had some major


I had some major leg cramps at night from the Vicodin I take so I now take the Vicodin first thing in the morning and 3 magnesium pills throughout the day, with the last one at bedtime, to help counteract the magnesium dumping the Vicodin does. It works for me, no more getting up at night trying to stand on my toes to get them to stretch my calves out to alleviate the muscle cramps.

Did you realize after all that I am now WINNING?!!!!!

I used to get cramps in my thighs a lot, but not so much lately. Vicodin caused me 11 straight days of, um, inactivity in the euphemism, so I haven't taken it since.

I can't say you're not still winning because I can't win my own thread.

I've never had trouble with Vicodin; however, I've never been on it long term. Maybe for a couple of days; but, that's it.

Have TARDIS, will travel...
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Join SETI Refugees

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: ... inactivity in the

... inactivity in the euphemism ...

I'm always on the lookout for good deliverable phrases in my line of work. May I use that ? :-) ;-)

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) That would do nicely slotted into the outer starboard wing pylon.

( edit ) It really is the little things in life that do it, huh ? I've just replaced my stethoscope's rubber earpieces and gosh it feels good. The old ones had really lost their virtue, harsh and hard, and the new set just cuddle in ! I will celebrate with a cappuccino ! :-)

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: RE: RE: I had some


I had some major leg cramps at night from the Vicodin I take so I now take the Vicodin first thing in the morning and 3 magnesium pills throughout the day, with the last one at bedtime, to help counteract the magnesium dumping the Vicodin does. It works for me, no more getting up at night trying to stand on my toes to get them to stretch my calves out to alleviate the muscle cramps.

Did you realize after all that I am now WINNING?!!!!!

I used to get cramps in my thighs a lot, but not so much lately. Vicodin caused me 11 straight days of, um, inactivity in the euphemism, so I haven't taken it since.

I can't say you're not still winning because I can't win my own thread.

I've never had trouble with Vicodin; however, I've never been on it long term. Maybe for a couple of days; but, that's it.

Oh before my shoulder surgery I was taking 3 Vicodin pills 3 times per day, now I am on 1 pill once per day! I still need to have the other shoulder done, HUGE bone spurs growing off the bottom of the collar bone and the end of the bone in the shoulder whacked off to provide a more rounded end, but I am okay with the pain management right now so am putting it off. After 24 years of being the 3rd man on the fire engine, meaning the pack mule, gopher, whatever I have chronic long term pain in my joints from my ankles to my neck. Seems in my haste to do it NOW, I often did things that were okay at the time, but were in fact doing tiny bits of damage that cumulatively, more then 12 years after retirement, have made me a couch potato. I am still 6 feet tall but when I was 'fit' I was about 200 lbs of nearly solid muscle and was nearly the strongest guy on the department, I used to run 10k races in about 5.5 minutes per mile pretty easily. Add in 6 years of US Navy service prior to that and the whole body is just giving up, with pain management the key to keeping me moving. I did go off the Vicodin, on my own as I AM afraid of addiction, but had to take over 12 Tylenol's per day to supplement the single Vicodin. I went off slowly over a couple of weeks, slowly extending the time between Vicodin pills and supplementing with Tylenol as the pain increased. My Doctor screamed and yelled at me then sat me down and we talked about the benefits of Vicodin, at one pill per day, as opposed to just over a dozen Tylenol's per day. The Vicodin does less overall damage to my body so I am back on the Vicodin and have been for over 5 years now. We do quarterly meetings to ensure I am still at ONLY 1 per day, I AM, and it is working for me. My Doctor told me the secret is...if I take the pills because I THINK there will be pain, then I am addicted. BUT if I am taking the pills to prevent excess pain, then it is okay. Sounds like a fine line to me so I am careful to ONLY take one pill per day, but do it every day.

Mike I am glad the new earpieces are comfy!!

I am now WINNING!!!

David S
David S
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RE: RE: ... inactivity in

... inactivity in the euphemism ...

I'm always on the lookout for good deliverable phrases in my line of work. May I use that ? :-) ;-)



Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) That would do nicely slotted into the outer starboard wing pylon.

( edit ) It really is the little things in life that do it, huh ? I've just replaced my stethoscope's rubber earpieces and gosh it feels good. The old ones had really lost their virtue, harsh and hard, and the new set just cuddle in ! I will celebrate with a cappuccino ! :-)

What happened: A couple years ago, I had sudden pain in my side. I knew from a previous kidney stone that this was probably the same thing (on the other side). It was. This time, they put in a stent and sent me home the next day.

I don't remember the details exactly now, but either 2 or 4 weeks later, I went back to have the stent removed and laser lithotripsy of the remaining stones in the kidney. Again, home the next day with a scrip for Vicodin (or something like it). That was the beginning of the "inactivity." Ended up returning to the hospital. After a few days of testing, pain management, various remedies for the "inactivity," even walking the halls of the hospital, someone mentioned to me that Vicodin could cause it. I immediately stopped taking it and started being active within a day.

(I returned to the hospital yet again with general weakness and difficulty breathing. They found I was severely anemic and gave me 4 units of blood (one of which caused some sort of allergic reaction). Further testing found a hematoma in the kidney which was pressing against the colon and caused an ulcer, leading to my first (premature) colonoscopy to repair it.)

That was not a winning time.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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