1. Winner of the last thread starts the new one with a post of these rules.
2. Chooses a future event which triggers the winner, e.g. post number, date-time, and records it privately somehow (yellow sticky, etc.)
3. Everyone has fun posting until the target event is reached.
4. When the target is reached, old winner posts declaration of new winner and also PMs them.
5. Shortly after this a Mod will lock the recently won thread.
6. No double posts. Violator buys a round for the house in The SETI Refugee Pub.
7. Additional rule -- No posts that APPEAR to be blank - these will be ignored or deleted. (Sig lines do not count as part of a post.)
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
FWIW in three days time will
FWIW in three days time will be the 35th anniversary of the death of the legendary theoretical physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. A quiet & withdrawn intellectual giant of the times back in the early days of formulating Quantum Mechanics. A contemporary of Einstein, Schroedinger, Born, de Broglie, Heisenberg, Pauli, Planck, Bohr & others. Responsible for bringing together many ideas, inventing a clever new notation, and the author of the masterpiece Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Of which I am attempting to read through now. Not an easy read though, you'd best already know a basic slab of QM to try. Still worth the effort anyway. It's actually surprising how many of the midwives of QM didn't really like it, but were forced to their conclusions by following experimental results closely.
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
CONGRATULATIONS on your win Mike Hewson!!
AND I hope you make it thru the book too, for me even a Cliff Notes version would be 'too deep'.
I claim the first WIN!!!
I claim the first WIN!!!
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
RandyC wrote:I claim the
I like the new set of rules
I like the new set of rules for this round Mike! By, "No posts that APPEAR to be blank", do you mean posts that are devoid of thought as well as content? If so, I will have to change my approach to this forum.
Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.
What is this new rule about
What is this new rule about appear to be blank posts anyway? I just think is is a attempt to silence posters who read the real rules on how to format posts. Am I right? Oh I win!
Gary Charpentier wrote:What
I have no idea but no you are not winning because I am!!
Actually that rule has snuck
Actually that rule has snuck in since I last did this. I've just carried over the rules from the last thread. As for thought and content, well, that requirement is as lax as always. :-)
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Mike Hewson wrote:....As for
Ideas are not fixed, nor should they be; we live in model-dependent reality.
cecht wrote:Mike Hewson