Large workunits

PCHome Denmark
PCHome Denmark
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Topic 187376

Will we still get large workunits when Einstein@home goes public ?

Team : Einstein@Denmark

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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Large workunits

> Will we still get large workunits when Einstein@home goes public ?

The workunits will be essentially identical to what we are currently sending out. The application will be tweaked slighly as currently described on the front page, based on some things that we have learned from the data.


Director, Einstein@Home

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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The answer depends on what

The answer depends on what you mean by "large" Workunits.

1. The run time of the "public" WUs will basically stay the same as it is presently. However the work cache handling of the current boinc clients apparently doesn't work well with more than one project, so we may increase the current deadline to balance for this.

2. The size of the data files (currently 11MB) should also remain roughly the same. However, many workunits are processing the same chunk of data and our new scheduler should prefer to give work to you for which you won't need to download a new data file. So these large downloads should happen only once every few months, (depending on your computing power).



PCHome Denmark
PCHome Denmark
Joined: 17 Nov 04
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Hi Bernd and Bruce Thank

Hi Bernd and Bruce

Thank you for and very quick answer, have a pleasent day.

Team : Einstein@Denmark

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