I have been a member of Einstein@home for a while. Recently, I realised that my BOINC had too many projects (all available) and subsequently, not much was getting done. So, I sacked a few and stuck with the Original SETI and Einstein. Alas, there seems to be no work: Each time I hit the update button, it comunicates. But, no new work is received. Currently, SETI is at 400 with Einstein at 200 (roughly 66.66 repeating % and 33.33 repeating % respectively).
What should I do?
Thank you.
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Lack of... Action
How much work do you currently have from these projects, and other projects (that you are finishing up), what are the LT debts? What are the time stats (on_frac, up_frac, and cpu_efficiency)? Is there some chance that a WU you have downloaded is going to have difficulty making deadline?
You say you have been with
You say you have been with Einstein for a while yet you have no credit. What is your connect to time set at?
How many Seti WUs do you have?
And with this slow of a computer I doubt that Einstein will give you any work because you could not meet the deadline and process Seti also........\\GenuineIntel
x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 3 551MHz
Link to Unofficial Wiki for BOINC, by Paul and Friends
RE: You say you have been
E@H works fine on 450MHz PII's, so it should function OK with a faster processor. Take a look at this system, does a WU in around 36 hours. It has two processors so it actually does two WU's in that time, so I'd expect a single processor system with a faster CPU to do better.
42, which version of BOINC do
42, which version of BOINC do you have? if it's an older client (4.25 or lower) then it might refuse to down load because you won't have time to complete with your stated resource share.
4.45 should however, download fine.