Thank you that puts it right where I want to be as far as an upgrade but not all the way to the bleeding edge, I just can't do $1k or more just for a video card. At that price point I can upgrade 3 or 4 pc's which lets me run multiple projects at the same time.
what's your budget? and power budget? with the recent Nvidia application improvements, Nvidia really performs better here, and better per watt too. unless you're getting that Vega 56 for near free and aren't bothered by the power use. even rather low end Nvidia cards like 2070 or 3060 would perform very well. no one should be spending more than $1K unless they're buying brand new 4080s or 4090s. even last gen 3090 is less than 1k now. I've even seen 3090Tis selling less than $1k lol.
something like a 3070Ti is probably the best bang for buck as it's the lowest end card with GDDR6X memory (or if you can find a good deal on the new 3060ti GDDR6X variant). the faster memory really helps with the FGRPB1G application.
My budget is flexible but depends alot on what my spends on her hobby, right now she's spending under $250 every couple of months so that hurts my ability to but pc parts. I told her I want to spend near $1k for Christmas on a new MB and a Ryzen cpu that has 32 cores like a 3950X for example. That would also mean though some of my current pc's would have to be sidelined as my 'power budget' is about $600 a month max.
Some of my pc's are VERY inefficient as far as power usage goes but they work and that's more important than spending $5k+ to get all new hardware to save $1 or $200 a month on the electric bill.
Ian&Steve C. wrote: mikey
My budget is flexible but depends alot on what my spends on her hobby, right now she's spending under $250 every couple of months so that hurts my ability to but pc parts. I told her I want to spend near $1k for Christmas on a new MB and a Ryzen cpu that has 32 cores like a 3950X for example. That would also mean though some of my current pc's would have to be sidelined as my 'power budget' is about $600 a month max.
Some of my pc's are VERY inefficient as far as power usage goes but they work and that's more important than spending $5k+ to get all new hardware to save $1 or $200 a month on the electric bill.
mikey wrote: I told her I
Just nabbed a (used) 3950x for $306 off eBay. Have a b450-F, CPU cooler, psu and ram waiting on it.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
Tom M wrote: mikey
I've seen those but never know which one to trust