Before I begin: dialup file transfer speed and cpu speed/heat control

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Topic 189772

1/ suggests this project is appropriate for users with a broadband connection. I live in a rural area with a 28.6 kbps max dialup connection speed (thanks Qwurst) which results in a download transfer rate, on large files, of 2.9 KB/s. I've never tried a large upload. Am I likely to run into server time-out issues?

2/ I'm running a 1.8G Athlon 64. Again, above site recommends faster to be practical - (shrug)- my larger concern is: room where PC is located gets hot during the day. 90 degF+. A little toasty for pedal-to-the-metal CPU usage methinks. Would I consistently finish WUs on time with a restricted midnight to 8AM processing schedule?

Thanks all, in advance.

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Before I begin: dialup file transfer speed and cpu speed/heat c

I am on dialup and honestly have never had a problem with Einstein. The downloads are large (somewhere around 8 MB if I remember correctly) but each download contains several workunits to crunch. As for processing time, you might take a look at this thread to get an idea of how long it might take to crunch a unit on your machine. Crunching for 8 hours a day I foresee you turning around a workunit at least every two days. With a 14 day deadline now, I don't think you will have problems with that machine.


John McLeod VII
John McLeod VII
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I have Einstein running on a

I have Einstein running on a couple of Pentiou 400MHz machines. No real problem.

Your room does get hot enough that you need to keep track of your CPU temps.

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