I have a computer that I would to delete from my account.
It is a comp that I installed Boinc/Einstein@home on, to check the WU computation time compared to another computer. It never completed any WUs. I didn't ever intend to leave Boinc/Einstein@home on the machine. It was just a test to determine if 2 PIII 550mhz CPUs were comparable to a single PIII 700mhz CPU (the single chip was faster btw). I'd like to remove this entry, if possible, from my list of computers.
FragU2 [H]
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How to delete computers from account?
> I have a computer that I would to delete from my account.
You just have to wait until the WUs assigned to this machine will be deleted.
Then you'll get the option 'delete this computer'.
You can move this machine to a profile, where you say 'leave at least' 100 GB free to prevent new WUs being assigned to this machine - or you just remove the link to start the BoincManager from the autostart group, or deinstall Boinc.
7 - 14 days after the last WU is finally validated (has at least 4 valid results) the WU will be deleted from the database.
If it is this computer , it will take some time, since none of the 2 WUs is finished yet, one has just 3 valid results, the other one just 1. So there will be new machines assigned to this WUs, they have to compute the result...
I guess it will be around the 10th of may at best.
FragU2 [H]