Looks like this huge WU got only 28 hours of crunching. If it will be succesfully completed, I'll be a happy owner of a highly overclocked CPU.
Yesterday we (I am with my friend) found an article on overclockers.ru about an extreme Core2 E6750 overclocking and tried this ourselves. So E@H became yesterday out test application. So, we're waiting for result to be accepted or (unfortunally) rejected by the server side.
At least on Core 2 CPUs, it seems that if the Einstein science application does not detect error during execution, the chances that an over-clocking induced error will cause failure to validate are quite small. So on this first result I think you are very likely OK.
However, the maximum clock speed a given host could run Einstein has moved around with application version in the past. So if you are anywhere near the edge, be sure to monitor your outcomes for a week or two after any application change.
For both of my Core 2 machines (A duo E6600 and a Quad Q6600, both running 3.006 GHz), the current 4.40 Einstein Windows ap is materially easier vs. clock speed than was the current ap a few months ago. This could easily change the other way next time.
Oh, and one good result is not enough to establish that you are at a safe operating point--I had to raise my voltage a couple more increments above the level that was OK for 24 hours before I became OK for months.
The above result is from my wingman (who recently reported on this WU). This "monster" produced 653.02 points for us - not particularly noteworthy. But, I certainly think my wingman deserves recognition on this thread for the time it took his computer to finish the job: a collosal 2,017,980.08 seconds. (I really think something must have gone wrong with his result.)
I got 643.26 for this one
I got 643.26 for this one
RE: 1009850, 15 Sep 2007
At least on Core 2 CPUs, it seems that if the Einstein science application does not detect error during execution, the chances that an over-clocking induced error will cause failure to validate are quite small. So on this first result I think you are very likely OK.
However, the maximum clock speed a given host could run Einstein has moved around with application version in the past. So if you are anywhere near the edge, be sure to monitor your outcomes for a week or two after any application change.
For both of my Core 2 machines (A duo E6600 and a Quad Q6600, both running 3.006 GHz), the current 4.40 Einstein Windows ap is materially easier vs. clock speed than was the current ap a few months ago. This could easily change the other way next time.
Oh, and one good result is not enough to establish that you are at a safe operating point--I had to raise my voltage a couple more increments above the level that was OK for 24 hours before I became OK for months.
Your results, of course, may vary.
The above result is from my wingman (who recently reported on this WU). This "monster" produced 653.02 points for us - not particularly noteworthy. But, I certainly think my wingman deserves recognition on this thread for the time it took his computer to finish the job: a collosal 2,017,980.08 seconds. (I really think something must have gone wrong with his result.)
Nice one... and not even THAT
Nice one... and not even THAT fast a box, or are the benchmarks mistaken?
RE: Nice one... and not
Speaking of "not so fast", my vintage T-Bird Athlon 800 just got hit by monsters ... oh well.
I'll keep my fingers crossed
I'll keep my fingers crossed for the box to finish in time...
RE: I'll keep my fingers
Thanks! It will have no problem to finish provided I don't forget to turn it on again each morning...it's too noisy to stay on at night :-)
All but one of my crunchers now have at least one monster in the pipeline, but none record breaking, tho.
My biggest to date is this
My biggest to date is this one
It gave me 654.68 cobblestones.
Windows machine it took almost 40 hours on an AMD X2 4800+ machine.
My highest (Result ID:
My highest (Result ID: 86849254, h1_0548.60_S5R2__223_S5R2c): 665.34