Hierarchical S5 - Runs, but 0% progress, 0% CPU usage

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Topic 194356

I am running an I7 965 at 3.3Ghz, 12GB memory, plenty of disk, under Windows 7 64 bit RC1.

I think I saw this problem under Vista Ultimate x64 as well.

Hierachical S5 all-sky FW search #5 3.05 is the current application name.

The job schedules, runs, but never uses any CPU or accumulates any progress.
It just sits in the queue taking a process slot. At times 5 of 8 running apps are this app,
and therefore CPU utilization is low for Boinc overall.

Initially I aborted this app when it took up a queue slot,
and assumed someone would notice the problem and fix it.

There was another Einstein app also getting assigned and I could let those run,
but all the assigned apps from Einstein are now this app/version.

Any ideas?


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Hierarchical S5 - Runs, but 0% progress, 0% CPU usage

The Hierarchical app is running ok under Windows Vista (just checked). Still not working under Windows 7 RC1

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Hmm...are you using the same

Hmm...are you using the same (which??) version of BOINC on both Vista and Win7?


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RE: Hmm...are you using the

Message 92934 in response to message 92933


Hmm...are you using the same (which??) version of BOINC on both Vista and Win7?


Yup, same version of BOINC 6.6.20, and the same Einstein app:

Hierachical S5 all-sky FW search #5 3.05

I has already aborted all the Einstein apps and suspended work on Einstein.

Tried to Resume/Update, but didn't get any work, so I don't know if the problem is still occurring.

I will update when I get another batch of work under Win 7 (where I am now).

BTW, the OS's are running on their own disks, and the BOINC installs/work are unique under each OS.

Thanks Bikeman, Scott

Bikeman (Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein)
Bikeman (Heinz-...
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Thanks for the info, I'll

Thanks for the info, I'll forward this to the devs.


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Bikeman, I have a screen

Bikeman, I have a screen capture for task manager / BOINC showing there are 8 queued
Hierarchical S5 all-sky GW search #5 3.05 jobs with time accumulating, but no increase in progress (stuck at 0%).

And, a screen capture of task manager showing 2 Einstein processes loaded, but no CPU usage
(320K/316K memory usage). 2 Proc names einstein_S5R5_3.05_windows_intelx86.exe *32

And, a screen capture of task manager showing 2 other Einstein processes loaded, but no CPU usage
(100K/100K memory usage). 2 Proc names einstein_S5R5_3.05_windows_intelx86_2.exe *32

That is about all the info the screen captures show, but if you like I can email them to you.


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For a second there I thought

For a second there I thought the problem had been fixed, but there is something new.

I have 2 running 3.05 apps, both with about 1 hour 40 minutes run time, and 1 of the 2 apps is showing 17.714% Progress, and 0% for the other app. But, the app with 17.714% is currently running, accumulating run time, but the Progress isn't increasing...

On another issue, this user account user ID 456813, which I thought was my current one, isn't showing any Work Done, so I poked around and it looks like the user ID that my BOINC/BAM! account is using is user ID 35829

What can I do to combine my accounts? Should I try to find my email address that I originally used?

Thanks!, Scott

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RE: On another issue, this

Message 92938 in response to message 92937


On another issue, this user account user ID 456813, which I thought was my current one, isn't showing any Work Done, so I poked around and it looks like the user ID that my BOINC/BAM! account is using is user ID 35829

What can I do to combine my accounts? Should I try to find my email address that I originally used?

Actually it looks like I need to dig in to this a bit more, as I have several ID's that are being used for different Projects. Gonna take a bit more than fixing 1 ID.

Thanks, Scott

Gundolf Jahn
Gundolf Jahn
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RE: On another issue, this

Message 92939 in response to message 92937


On another issue, this user account user ID 456813, which I thought was my current one, isn't showing any Work Done, so I poked around and it looks like the user ID that my BOINC/BAM! account is using is user ID 35829

What can I do to combine my accounts? Should I try to find my email address that I originally used?

You can't combine accounts, but since the account you are currently posting with has no credits accumulated that shouldn't be a problem, you can just abandon it.

Before you switch to your "real" account (35829), change the email address for 456813 to a dummy. Then log off and go to your account. On the login screen, select the "forgot password" link. There follow the instructions to log in with authenticator (use the account_einstein.phys.uwm.edu.xml file though).

At last set your email and password and use that account in future.

With regard to your last post, you'll have a different user ID at each project. What is unique across projects is the Cross Project IDentifier (CPID) if you use the same email address with each project.


Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)

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