Thanks for the suggestion that the reason I don't have any credits from Einstein@home after a number of completions, is that I haven't yet created a WU.
I've looked in the suggested links and can't find anything about WU's (work units, I'm guessing?) and whether this is something I'm supposed to do, or have done, or whether this will happen via others at the appropriate time.
I'm not interested in credits, only wanting to know that my CPU time is being used appropriately and the information getting to back to those who want it.
Thanks for helping this tenderfoot,
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Hello Geoff,
You've crunched 1 WU (and yes, it's a Work Unit) up to now, but got no credit for it, because you were late.
You just recieved the next one, which has to be returned before 26 Jun 2005 12:48:28 UTC.
These WUs have strict deadlines of 7 days, and if you mmiss this, and three valid results are in before you return the result, you'll get nothing, nada, niets.
If you're machine is a bit slow, and/or crunching on other projects as well, you should give it a bit more timeshare.
Is this is not an option, you should either update your puter, or stop crunching for Einstein, sad as it is. Protein Predictor has small WUs, and CPDN real big ones, but with real extended deadlines as well.
nevertheless: Happy crunching!
Grüße vom Sänger
Goeff, Also keep in mind
Also keep in mind that theres two steps to returning results.
First, the results are uploaded.
Second, the WU status is reported to the scheduler. (CPU time used, completion code, error messages)
The upload is automatic, happens right after the WU is completed, or the next time you connect if on dial-up. The reporting doesn't occur right away, boinc waits until it contacts the server again. You'll see this as the WU's will show "ready to report" status in the Work tab.
Which causes problems if on dial-up with only an occasional connection. The results won't get reported until the next time you connect.
You can "fix" this be manually updating the project before disconnecting. Switch to the Projects view, select a project and click "Update".
Looking at the completed work
Looking at the completed work unit, it states that it took about 17 hours to complete. So If you are running 2 projects at equal shares this WU would need about 34 hours to complete. And if you are running 3 projects at equal shares you would need at least 51 hours to complete.
Now the above hours is assuming you are running the BOINC 24 hours a day. if your are only on 8 hours a day than the above times would multiple by 3. So 3 projects running for 8 hours would cause Eintein to at least need 153 hours to complete. There are 168 hours in a week, so this would cut the runtime very close to the deadline, and likely you would need to increase Einstein share share to at least 200.
Another thing is your connection time. You would need to have access to an internet connection on a regualar basis. Otherwize you might miss deadlines even if you complete in time, but do not send the update to Eintein. And if you do not have constant access to an internet account, (Like if you are using dailup), than make sure do manual updates. Automatic updates have a tendency to increase in time if you have missed connections.
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Thanks everybody for your
Thanks everybody for your helpful replies.