Good news from the downloading front (with a very evil grin)

Wurgl (speak^Wcrunching for Special: Off-Topic)
Wurgl (speak^Wc...
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Topic 190511

Merlin, the german cluster at got hit by the downloading error. So I expect a solution soon.

Does anyone have some pills to stop my evil grin?

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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Good news from the downloading front (with a very evil grin)

We are trying to track this download errors down. The AEI mirror itself is running w/o problems for weeks now, but there seems to be something wrong in the network connction, some crashing router or sth. I'm afraid it's not even within the AEI.



Steffen Grunewald, for Merlin/Morgane
Steffen Grunewa...
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Feel free to smile. There

Feel free to smile.
There have been a few network errors (the cluster is using a proxy since it
doesn't have public IP addresses) - both on the campus and in the close
vicinity of the cluster itself.
The source of at least one of the problem has been found (and removed), thus I
expect the download errors to go away.
We're still experiencing problems with our firewall/gateway/router which is
under control of the IT department, and they continue fixing it.

I have to check with the switch that manages both the cluster and the download
server (!) whether the bad interface card may have caused problems - you see,
if hardware doesn't obey CSMA/CD rules anymore everything can happen...

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