The Bad News is the first 2 client 4.75 WU's one of my computers crunched both erred out on Host 5406 ... The Good News is I had the pleasure of crunching on both of them for 10 Hr's & 41 Min which is about the normal run time for that computer, so all was not lost I guess ... :/
I do hope this isn't going to be a thing to look forward to with the 4.75 client since all my computers are now just starting to run new 4.75 client ... ???
The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) - exit code 2 (0x2)
Line 23295 of file Fstats.Ha is too long or has no NEWLINE. First 255 chars are:
368.698000000000 0.20047987 0.06920367 73 22689416281690087000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000 63742735344024206000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000 313839249739090890000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000000
Validate state Invalid Claimed credit 79.9871688511893 Granted credit 0 application version 4.75
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
The Good News and The Bad News ... !!!
Thanks for the report.
We invented a syntax check that looks at the temp files before processing them to reduce the number of uploads of broken results. It may either be too paranoid or there is another bug in our code.
Thanks for participating in this alpha test!
No Problem Bernd, all my
No Problem Bernd, all my computers are or will be shortly crunching on the v4.75 client, so I'll have to try & keep an eye on them to see if the others have the same problem or not ...
I just managed to reproduce
I just managed to reproduce the problem on one of my machines, so it's most likely a bug in our code (or maybe the M$ libs as this happens on Windows only). Will require another round of Apps then (sic!).
Well I may have to pull the
Well I may have to pull the Plug on Einstein, I had another Computation Error, thats 3 for Three. I don't mind a few erroneous WU but when it gets to be 100% then it's time to move on I feel ... :(
You do know that
You do know that Einstein@Home is currently in pre-release stage?
You're doing exactly what you are supposed to do at this point, namely, discover bugs and errors in the project. If you are expecting clear sailing with a smooth progression of credits rolling in, you should pull out and wait 'till the public release.
I didn't expect smooth
I didn't expect smooth sailing & I've put up with the minor idiosyncrasy's here, but I also didn't expect the Dev's to throw up a brick wall for me either ... I'll give it the rest of the day and see what my other PC's do with the v4.75 Client ... Their all running it now so by the time I come home from work I should have some results ready to report ...
The error message in the
The error message in the first post is extremely useful to us -- this is a *reproducable* bug in our analysis code, which only appears under Windows and not under Linux or Mac. Two people are currently (as I type) working on this.
So please don't give up on E@H. While you may be losing a few credits, you are helping us to track down and fix things in the science part of the code, which is extremely valuable to us.
Director, Einstein@Home
Folks, running E@H on BOINC
Folks, running E@H on BOINC 4.19 on this host.
P4 3.2Gz
1MB L2 Cache
It has, so far taken about 6hours CPU time and is just over 80% done. Would these timings seem OK? ...I thought it seemed a bit long
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> It has, so far taken about
> It has, so far taken about 6hours CPU time and is just over 80% done. Would
> these timings seem OK? ...I thought it seemed a bit long
Sounds quite ok to me. Modern machines only running E@H are meant to deliver 2-3 WUs per day, so 8-12h looks quite normal.
Cheers BM, I was a bit
Cheers BM, I was a bit concerned there seeing that some peoples WUs have apparently 'hung'.
Great job on the project!
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