Daran, what kind of RAM do you have in that rig and what voltage are you feeding the RAM? Lots of DDR2 requires higher voltage than the default 1.8v, some need as much as 2.2v.
Ehm, not sure what I have. Can I read the ramspec without rebooting my server? I doubt it is memory, though. memtest86 doesn't find anything, I would expect more problems with faulty memory and einstein deosnt exercise the memory much, anyway.
RE: Daran, what kind of RAM
Ehm, not sure what I have. Can I read the ramspec without rebooting my server? I doubt it is memory, though. memtest86 doesn't find anything, I would expect more problems with faulty memory and einstein deosnt exercise the memory much, anyway.
4.31 is avaliable. BM
4.31 is avaliable.