Hi there,
My computer has always crunched in a good way
But now mystery happens
At the beginning of this month I received the task mentioned above (approx 12 hours)
After a day of crunching the ETA had risen till 18
Sometimes that happens & I let the computer crunch any way (the progress bar was increasing)
But now, after 28 hours of crunching, the ETA is 57 hours & the progress bar decreases each time I start my computer
So I won't have it finished on time
Using 6.10.17 on Ubuntu 32 bit
Other crunching projects work nice
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Global correlations S5 Search #1 1.02
I assume that you are using the SSE2 App (S5GCESSE2). This has a checkpoint / resume bug that is fixed in the newest 1.03 App. I suggest to either abort the tasks that your Client already assigned to 1.02 or reset the project. New tasks should be ran with 1.03 which should be ok.
Hi there, few months ago
Hi there,
few months ago the max time for other projects was +- 12 to 18 hours.
Now it's taking about 70 hours of computation (ex: S5R4__560_S5GC1a_0, etc...).
Is it my laptop or can be the project? Help?!
Thanx ;)
RE: few months ago the max
Other projects have quite variable crunch times so you can't really judge whether E@H tasks are taking too long or not based on other projects. Since your computers are hidden, there is no way we can even get an idea about the specs of your laptop so as to make any sort of judgment. By 'other projects' do you actually mean other organisations or do you mean prior E@H science applications?
Unless it is a very old (or a very slow) laptop, 70 hours does seem rather excessive for current tasks. Either you need to un-hide your computers or perhaps give us the hostID for that machine (you can see it on the website) or you could even give us the detailed specs for the machine and someone would be able to give you a good idea of how long a task should take. If you do give us the hostID we can see the basic specs for ourselves and also look at any tasks the machine may have completed recently. There is no easy way to work backwards from the name of any particular task. You could tell us the actual taskID or even the WUID and that would be much more useful to work with.
Thanx so much 4 the fast
Thanx so much 4 the fast answer! I just sent you a private msg with some more details.
Here are the details of the
Here are the details of the machine in question. For privacy reasons, I've omitted some personal information. The hostID is sufficient to diagnose the possible cause of your problem.
It's not really a good idea to ask for help with the project via PM unless you have exhausted all the 'public' options first. By asking in a forum, the load of answering questions can be shared by many and quite often, different people provide different perspectives which can lead to a much better overall answer. Another important factor is that all the others who browse these boards looking for information and answers are denied that very important source if the discussion is held in private.
Here is a link to the tasklist for computer 2874366. The interesting information is that the task you allowed to run to completion consumed just over 12 hours of actual CPU time but the total elapsed time was around 2.5 days! Looks like your machine is being throttled. Being a laptop, that's probably not surprising. I don't use laptops so don't really have experience with how their overheating protection mechanisms work. The other possibility is that you may have selected BOINC's inbuilt throttling mechanism by setting the appropriate preferences. Whatever is doing it, it looks like something is allowing your CPU to run for only about 20% of the time.
Someone who actually uses laptops for crunching may have more information for you.