In order to get the work unit to finish in time (Since einstein does such of a bad job at scheduling) I had to stop all other projects, and for my effects it gives me the following error.
core_client_version 4.25
The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) - exit code 2 (0x2)
Fstats.Ha: bytecount 2113695 checksum 101178857
Fstats.Hb: bytecount 1769892 checksum 84667726
Line 1529 of file Fstats.Hb had extra chars after F value and before newline.
First 255 chars are:
339.0764=8333333 3.77332074 -1.03079633 119 8.01285 6.07386 27.17268744034511100
(A part from the the one above which I had to fast track, I used boincView to error another one since there was no way to finish it on time. All other projects over estimate the finish time, but Einstein under estimates it causing excess queued workunits. I do not mind over/under extimates, but get all projects doing the same thing so I can manage the queue)
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In order to get the work unit to finish in time (Since einstein does such of a bad job at scheduling) I had to stop all other projects, and for my effects it gives me the following error.
For what it's worth, it's not 'einstein' that's doing the scheduling to determine what jobs to run and if/when work is needed. It's the BOINC core client that you are running on your host machine.
Director, Einstein@Home
In order to get the work unit
In order to get the work unit to finish in time (Since einstein does such of a bad job at scheduling)
As Bruce mentioned, it's BOINC that does the scheduling - and the next recommended version would offer a "panic-mode", which steps in and try to finish awu that looks to be in risk of not meeting deadline. It's available in current development versions (the potentially unstable versions), so it's propably available in the next recommended (stable) version ;)