Hi alle miteinander!
Ich habe so um die 5000 Credits auf meinem Account, diese werden mir im BOINC-Manager auch angezeigt, auf meiner Accountseite jedoch nicht.
Auch pending credits und mein average ist dort nicht vorhanden.
Ich hab auch noch SETI und WorldCommunityGrid laufen...dort funktionierts und die Credits sind auch in meinem Account zusammen gezählt (Wordwide Boinc-stats), die Einstein credits fehlen jedoch...
Was kann ich da machen?
Dankbar für jeden Tipp,
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Fehler auf Account-Seite
Du hasst zwei Accounts. Hier ist die andere mit deinen Credits.
Und was mach ich nu um das zu
Und was mach ich nu um das zu beheben?
Und um meine Credits in den gleichnamige Account zu integrieren?
My German writing stopped
My German writing stopped there, so I apologize to do this in English. Perhaps that someone can translate.
It's quite easy to change your account around so you're posting with it as well.
Navigate to your BOINC directory and find the account_einstein.phys.uwm.edu.xml file. Open it (with a browser for instance) and copy out the 32 character account key that's between the tags.
Now Use the browser to Log Out.
Then go back to Your Account and log in with the account key you just copied (it should still be in your cache, so right click on the Log in with account key option and paste the key there).
Make sure the "remember me" option is checked, this way your browser will remember you for the next time. Now you're logged in here with the account with the credits.
Thanks, it worked! Now
Thanks, it worked!
Now there's left to see whether my credits are added to those of the other projects I have running...
Well, if you have multiple
Well, if you have multiple accounts on other projects as well, you can use the same trick on those projects to log on with your correct account. Do know, each project has its own account key. So you can't log on with the EAH account key on Seti... (or maybe you can, but then it's someone else's account completely ;))
Sorry for keeping you
Sorry for keeping you busy...can I delete my second E@H account?
By the way I don't know how that got created...
It has 0 credits but uses the CPID my other projects have...
Never mind...I got
Never mind...I got it..email-adress was in the way ;-)