Farewell, for now, einstein@home

Manuel Palacios
Manuel Palacios
Joined: 18 Jan 05
Posts: 40
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Topic 202254

Well, it seems the time has come to end my contributions towards the project for the time being. Many a rig has crunched faithfully, from a Pentium II from late 90's starting with seti, to the early beginnings of einstein@home in 2005,  to my most recent endeavours on my current rigs with Intel i5-4690K with dual 970's.  Electricity costs have become prohibitive even crunching 50% time as I have been throughout the last few months on off peak hours. 

It has been wonderful to be a part of this project, but it seems an appropriate time to conclude the remaining tasks and turn off the machines at the end of October. Thank you wingmen, thank you volunteers, thank you project managers and administrators. I hope to be back and crunching one day again. Farewell, for now, einstein@home. 

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Come back when you can, all

Come back when you can, all crunchers are appreciated!!

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Hope things will be looking

Hope things will be looking up again soon and that you'll be able to come back!

Until then take care!

Joined: 9 Feb 05
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I hope you'll consider

I hope you'll consider continuing to crunch on your computer(s) while they are actively in use; I understand energy costs may be a deterrent, but every bit helps!

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