Extensive logging to stderr.txt - every 6s, hsgamma_FGRP1_0.23

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Topic 196204

All logs are disabled in cc_config.xml, checkpoint to hdd set to 1000s (and working correctly), but still logging like crazy. On the second core is running "einsteinbinary_BRP4_1.00_i686-pc-linux-gnu__BRP3SSE" and no problems.

These are the parts of stderr.txt, the "status" line is written to hdd every 6s or so, maybe the problem is in the "--debug 1" parameter:

command line: ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/hsgamma_FGRP1_0.23_i686-pc-linux-gnu --inputfile ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LATeah2228A.dat --outputfile results.cand.out --f0start 32.0 --f0Band 64.0 --BskyPointFile ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/skygrid_LATeah2228A_0096.0.dat --firstSkyPoint 2250 --numSkyPoints 50 --f1dot -4.7e-11 --f1dotBand 1e-12 --ephemdir ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/JPLEPH --Tcoh 524288.0 --toplist 10 --useWeights 1 --cohFollow 4 --inCohTimeRatio 35 --debug 1
output files: 'results.cand.out' '../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LATeah2228A_96.0_2250_-4.6e-11_1_0' 'results.cand.out.cohfu' '../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LATeah2228A_96.0_2250_-4.6e-11_1_1'
% Time spent on semicoherent stage: 602 s
% Starting coherent stage.
% Time spent on coherent stage: 173 s
% checkpoint written: skypoint 27
% Path to ephemeris file: ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/JPLEPH
% Starting barycentering for sky point 28 / 50
% Creating FFT plan.
% Starting semicoherent stage.
% Status 1/91 ( 5 s)
% Status 2/91 ( 4 s)
% Status 3/91 ( 5 s)
% Status 4/91 ( 4 s)
% Status 5/91 ( 5 s)

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Extensive logging to stderr.txt - every 6s, hsgamma_FGRP1_0.23

All logs are disabled in cc_config.xml

How do you think you've done that?

And mostly, why? Of course progress about the task is being written to stderr.txt, why don't you want that to happen, what's wrong with that?

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RE: RE: All logs are

All logs are disabled in cc_config.xml

How do you think you've done that?

I set all flag values to 0 (according to http://boinc.berkeley.edu
/wiki/Client_configuration). I even added some newer flags which weren't present in my config file... well now when I think about it those flags are probably related only to boinc global logs stdoutdae.txt and stderrdae.txt, not to the individual project logs.

And mostly, why? Of course progress about the task is being written to stderr.txt, why don't you want that to happen, what's wrong with that?

Annoying (useless) clicking sound of hdd is the main problem. If I knew how, I would disable those files, or I would put them on a "ramdisk". I can imagine that I would need those logs only if there were some problems (maybe that is why the file is named "standard error output").

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RE: I set all flag values

I set all flag values to 0

Setting 0 and 0 you are only telling BOINC to use the default 2MB size of the files. using zero on them won't make them zero bytes. (Little undocumented thingy. ;-))

If I knew how, I would disable those files, or I would put them on a "ramdisk".

Disabling them isn't possible (that I know of) (although technically, you could set those above values to 1...), but you can of course tell BOINC when you're installing it where to put the data directory, where all these files live. Whether that's on a spinning hard disk, a USB thumb drive, a ram disk or an SSD doesn't really matter. As long as it's an existing drive letter on your system, and not a (simulated) ROM drive, it's OK.

Also not really needed to uninstall & reinstall BOINC for that.
BOINC reads the path to the directory from the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Setup\DATADIR

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RE: Setting 0 and 0 you are

Setting 0 and 0 you are only telling BOINC to use the default 2MB size of the files. using zero on them won't make them zero bytes. (Little undocumented thingy. ;-))

Actually I set size of those files to 5kB, Boinc main application respects the settings. The problem are those little programs downloaded with a project. Seems they don't respect any settings and log uncontrollably and even update some files between checkpoints. Don't understand why, it uses 250MB of memory and still needs to store 20 kB on hdd.

Also not really needed to uninstall & reinstall BOINC for that.
BOINC reads the path to the directory from the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Space Sciences Laboratory, U.C. Berkeley\BOINC Setup\DATADIR

This would help a little, but I use Ubuntu, seems there is no registry. Is there some other way to set the data directory? Some config file or parameter?

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RE: Don't understand why,

Don't understand why, it uses 250MB of memory and still needs to store 20 kB on hdd.

In case of a power outage or otherwise your computer rebooting, all information in volatile memory is lost. Hence the information about what's been done already being written to disk. Also useful for when you run more projects than you have CPU cores and GPUs and they're switching between project applications.

This would help a little, but I use Ubuntu, seems there is no registry. Is there some other way to set the data directory? Some config file or parameter?

Start the client with boinc --dir , this tells Boinc to use the directory in the path as the data directory.

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