I want to do some crunching for Einstein@home with the CPU. I set all the correct settings on the computing and Einstein pages and it was getting new work. However I got the message: error when downloading in BOINC Manger to see.
How can I solve this?
BOINC version 7.6.22, win7 x64 ultimate.
Thank you.
Greetings from
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Error when downloading
The download mirrors failed this morning (GMT) and this resulted in a lot of those messages. This should be fixed now. If you still have problems with newly downloaded work please post a log and your timezone so we can correlate this with our logfiles.
Thank you for your response.
Thank you for your response. Indeed it was in the morning. As your closest western neighbour, we have the same UTC time zone.
I will try to get new work for the CPU.
Greetings from
I am having a problem
I am having a problem downloading work units.
I have tried a reset of the project, but still get errors
Ie, each workunit generates the following error:
22/03/2016 17:35:44 | Einstein@Home | Started download of skygrid_GC_m0.001_0055Hz_O1AS20-100.dat
22/03/2016 17:35:47 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of skygrid_GC_m0.001_0055Hz_O1AS20-100.dat
22/03/2016 17:35:47 | Einstein@Home | [error] MD5 check failed for skygrid_GC_m0.001_0055Hz_O1AS20-100.dat
22/03/2016 17:35:47 | Einstein@Home | [error] expected d5e0dd512dc7af0f37d3a1482b16cb9d, got a1a6ecda943265922e954c5c8574423b
22/03/2016 17:35:47 | Einstein@Home | [error] Checksum or signature error for skygrid_GC_m0.001_0055Hz_O1AS20-100.dat
I just checked the file on
I just checked the file on the download mirrors and it is OK. It has the correct md5sum. Maybe something is interfering with the download on your computer? What Antivirus software and Firewall are you running? Are you behind a proxy?
I am running the Zonealarm
I am running the Zonealarm firewall and anti-virus package ZoneAlarm Extreme Security version:
on a windows 10 machine.
What host are you talking
What host are you talking about? You only have one computer under this account and that has a last contact of May 2015.
Hi Christian,
Hi Christian,
I seem to have 2 accounts, not sure why, probably my fault.
Everything was working until
Everything was working until March 20. Since then everything fails. I would suggest that you uninstall BOINC, delete the data directory and reinstall BOINC using version 7.6.22 and then add Einstein@home again. We'll see if that works. If you know what changed around March 19/20 that could also help to diagnose if it is a problems others could have.
So far we don't see a higher than usual error rate after the download servers got fixed.