Within the past few hours I have been getting Error 417 when my machines attempt to report completed work or to receive new work. One is running Windows XP and the other Mac OS X (10.6.3).
Is it something temporary and related to the recent outage?
Perhaps I should add that communication seems not to be affected in other ways - for example, uploads from each unit as it finishes seem to be normal.
{My queue is getting pretty short}.
Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt. - Hans-Ulrich Rudel
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Error 417
See Scheduler request failed: Error 417 for information.
For what it is worth, the
For what it is worth, the uploads from units as they complete have failed now too - HTTP error.
Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt. - Hans-Ulrich Rudel
Look like UWM has sporadic
Look like UWM has sporadic DNS problems.
The problem seems to have
The problem seems to have been resolved.
When the Error 417 messages appeared I sent an e-mail to my ISP to ask if it had made any changes that might account for what had happened. After two days there was no response. In the mean time I’d run out of work, couldn’t get any more and there was a lorry load of completed work that wasn’t able to be returned. So I sent a second, more sharply worded e-mail to the ISP.
I still haven’t had a reply. What did happen though was that not long after the second e-mail was sent, contact with the servers was resumed as abruptly as it had ended. A funny thing, that …
Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt. - Hans-Ulrich Rudel