Einstein ftp server - anybody?

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Topic 187364

In response to this thread (http://einsteinathome.org/node/187217), it there anybody who can provide (perhaps for limited time) and ftp server for Einstein project participants?

On CPDN, one of our members provided his Linux machine as an ftp server dedicated to CPDN project/participants. It has no a super-fast connection but plenty of space for project data upload, screen-shots and whatever appropriate.

IMHO, it might be usefull to have such a server for Einstein as well. Sometimes core team would like to look at particular data and such a server might come handy; it may be easier for participants to provide their data...

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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Einstein ftp server - anybody?

This is an anonymous ftp server for 'upload' purposes? The idea being that if an Einstein@Home user wants to give us some file, they can put it there? It seems like a sensible suggestion, though at the moment the E@h developers are stretched pretty thin, so I don't think we can do this right now.

If someone out there wants to volunteer an anonymous FTP upload/download site for this purpose, we'd be happy to use it and advertise it.


Director, Einstein@Home

Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
Byron Leigh Hat...
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HI Bruce , thanks for

Message 1866 in response to message 1865

HI Bruce ,

thanks for your post and info,

I hope some one will , volunteer an anonymous FTP upload/download site for this purpose

I think that would be a good Idea :)


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How big a drive are people

How big a drive are people looking for on this server?? I might be able to help out.

John McLeod VII
John McLeod VII
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> How big a drive are people

Message 1868 in response to message 1867

> How big a drive are people looking for on this server?? I might be able to
> help out.
My guess is that a gig or so of space would be more than sufficient. However, that is just a guess.

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Even couple hundreds of MB is

Message 1869 in response to message 1867

Even couple hundreds of MB is enough; Einstein team can download files right away and delete them so other participants can upload new bunch of requested data.
> How big a drive are people looking for on this server?? I might be able to help out.

Bruce Allen
Bruce Allen
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> How big a drive are people

Message 1870 in response to message 1867

> How big a drive are people looking for on this server?? I might be able to
> help out.

Thank you for the offer!

For debugging purposes we sometimes ask people for the Fstats.Ha and Fstats.Hb files. These can be tens of MB in size. So I'd guess that a few GB would give us a reasonable cushion.


Director, Einstein@Home

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If you make a server to host

If you make a server to host all the bad WUs pls make this as fast as possible so I can send one for checking... I hope to send not to much, it eats so much time for nothing if this sh** happens again. Ok, its alpha but hope so to gets beta ;)


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I'm thinking about a

I'm thinking about a possibility to setup this service. But there are a lot of things to think about before saying yes or no.

First, let me give you an overview of my different possibilities and discuss, what could be used or not:

- DSL - Connection 2MBit downstream / 198 K upload
- The DSL-connection uses a dynamic IP-Adress; this changes every 24 hours
- Flatrate
- very old dsl-router that (I guess) will not support passive FTP

- allways online with 2MBit up- and downstream
- fixed IP-Adresses
- we pay for each GB traffic
- This line is used for our e-commerce-server and it's a must, that this one is always reachable with a good bandwith

I think, it will not be a real problem to find a piece of hardware and software for the ftp-server, but I'm thinking about following things:

If we place the ftp-server in my home-office, will it be a problem with the dynamic / changing ip-adress ?

Is 198 KBit upload enough for the service ?

As the Router doesn't be able to support passive-ftp, this will limit the possible users at the same time to a small number

If we place the ftp-server in my office, how much traffic per month will we get ? (The costs are charged between different companies, so I have to take care of the costs)

One more point:

I think, we can't build it with anonymous-ftp, because I don't want to get criminalized by someone uploading pornos or illegal-software or something similar.

So, let me here your suggestions / comments to my thoughts

Supporting BOINC, a great concept !

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I may add some experience

I may add some experience from CPDN participant's server.
- every member is used to create his/her folder with the same name a his/her nick
- login/password was announced via forum but can be even more limited (via e-mails) when needed. Scenario: someone needs to upload his Einstein WU, gets permisson for upload, perform upload, Einstein team will download and...that's it.
- there is only CPDN and forum related stuff (e.g. data, screenshots). CPDN participants are so law-abinding, that we haven't had any problem since the beginning
- about 200Kbit upload is really good enough, even 128KBit is OK; uploading time of WU would be about 10-15 minutes which is really reasonable.

I think it can work for Einstein as well.
The main reason for Einstein ftp is, as i see it, for uploading 'interesting' WUs (about 12MB) where using e-mails is unpractical due to limit of message size.
There is no need for a perfect commercial like server - just an over-ride of limited e-mail message size.

So, those are my suggestions / comments.

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Well, here is some well

Well, here is some well awaited news for everyone looking for an FTP server. I have set one up for the community to use on my home internet connection. This is nothing special, it has 5Mbit download and 768Kbit upload. It's a linux box, so there shouldn't be any issues with crashing. Unfortunately I was only able to spare about 2.5 GB, it seemed that this was more than enough. The server has full read write capabilities so users can upload and E@H developers can delete. Of course if space does become tight my only choice is to either delete files or suspend the server. There are slight possibilities for outages if my ISP decides to change my IP, but it's usually pretty stable. So hopefully this helps, here is the server info...

address: ftp://einstein.hireatech.ca
user: einstein
password: einstein

Just as a further FYI this is a 24/7 server, I'm just using it for a home hobby. I'd like to put a load on it as a test to see how long I can keep the server online.

Cheers again.

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