A theory stated that the internet would decentralize the creative class..
Here is an alternate view.. Any comment??
Recession Will Change Our Economic Geography
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
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(Edit:)The Sprawl will not happen
An interesting theory but there are a couple of issues that weigh against a significant movement of people to relocate a class of people. First, it sounds like the argument is a commuters movement. Those arguing for a "greener global economy" will argue that physical movement for conferencing is counter productive and wasteful. Secondly, his historical premise focuses on the U.S. economy. This is a global crises that portends a financial meltdown on almost all existing financial institutions. It is not a U.S. problem, indeed, the banking system in the U.K is possibly in greater peril than the U.S.
We are now a much more interconnected global society and economy and the movement of ideas and currency is electronic, not physical. I don't see a great shift in intellectual capital to a central set of points.
"We must be the change we wish to see."
Mahatma Gandhi
I have a tendency to agree
I have a tendency to agree with you Michael.. But I think the time of one industry towns are over.. Unless they diversify there economies by creating more products globally and not just products to support their one industry or interconnect with other centers efficiently the town will not survive.
The days of one job until retirement are over and have been over for some time.. People will have to be mobile.
That's why I think young knowledge based people will gravitate towards majors centers.
Personally I hope the cookie cutter suburbs die.. They are terribly inefficient and they drain the soul just looking at them :-)
Edit: I also know of a few one industry towns here in canada that have reinvented themselves.
Here on the island our small manufacturing base actually grew last year.. Our government and industry people established business opportunities out west in the oil and gas sector.. People from Alberta now move to the island and commute to Alberta for their job because of the better standard of living. Residents of the Island also commute to Alberta for jobs in both the service sector and the Oil & Gas industry.. I agree transportation presently is inefficient... but thats a technological problem.
For a community to actively grow it needs smart progressive business leaders and government working together.
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
RE: A theory stated that
I actually see opportunities for companies in the towns hit hardest by the recession. Meaning that some companies, being that the internet and worldwide shipping are everywhere now, will find great opportunities to move into those towns that will then offer them lots of incentives to move in. I actually think this will help de-centralize the population and re-invigorate those small towns, and big ones too, hurting the most! Just because a town is in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean that with a little bit of infra-structure work it can't be a suitable place for a big time call center, re-mailing place, email forwarding place, etc, etc, etc! All it will take is for the current townspeople to either want new jobs, and be able to be trained to do them, or for housing to be available for those that move into town.
RE: RE: A theory stated
Greetings Mikey:
I think you might be right in the short term... But I think Florida's Theory is looking maybe 50.. 100 years in the future from the result of the present and future crisis....No world crisis or it aftermath happens suddenly except maybe getting hit by an massive asteroid:-)
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
If anybody has the time
If anybody has the time Florida gives a better picture on a Global scale with Peter Day of BBC World of Business ( Even though Peter Day has a bit of a rod up the old backside)
BBC World of Business
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
A good reason why
A good reason why not...
Why your world is about to get a whole lot smaller when gas is $7.00 a gallon..
edit: Book Review
The Energy Collective
Food prices have risen by 7 percent here last year..
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
I don't have an agenda I just
I don't have an agenda I just find Ideas wonderful.. :-)
Just Listened to CBC Radio Q Quest Joel H. Crawford and his Carfree Cities is a book and companion website created by Joel H. Crawford. The book contains a detailed plan for the creation of a dense, pedestrian-friendly community that could function almost completely without automobiles. In addition, it includes basic information on transitioning existing cities from auto-centric to carfree living.
Here is his Web Site
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
RE: I don't have an agenda
Podcast Radio Q Interview
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
RE: RE: I don't have an
i haven't yet listned to the pod cast,but in my opinion most of these "carfree" comunities are a little utopian in that they do not allow for the delivery of goods and services not every thig can be done via the internet manufacturing for one.now for the pod cast if i can.
I think there's a world market for maybe five computers - Thomas Watson, IBM
RE: RE: RE: I don't
Delivery of goods and services is the biggest challenge and that why he states it would probably not be totally car free.
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold